I am looking for statistics on peripheral vascular disease, primarily
in the US, but if possible in the EU and Japan too. In particular, I
am looking for
1. Data on the number of patients diagnosed with this disease, and its
growth rate in the population.
2. Data on treatment (it's important that data here be up to date -
the rate of stenting procedures has gone up in a very dramatic way
over the past decade, so old data is quite useless..):
2.1 Number of angioplasty procedures done
2.2 Number of stenting procedures done
2.3 Number of bypasses (also known as peripheral reconstructive
surgery) done (if you could break this down to artificial and natural
grafts, that would be best)
2.4 Number of amputations resulting from advanced form PVD
3. Costs: estimates on total cost, length of stay in the hospital per
different treatment modality, and cost of medical complications.
4. Reimbursement rates (some ICD-9 codes can be found here:
I would greatly appreciate a response by March 20th. |