Request for Question Clarification by
09 Mar 2006 08:41 PST
Please let me know if this answers your question:
BUENA PARK, CA (December 2, 2005)
"With two multi-platinum albums under his belt, 2001?s self-titled
debut and 2003?s Closer, Groban is busy working on a third album now.
He is ready to take more chances, write more songs on his Yamaha
piano, and do some musical experimenting.
?I think the next album will be hopefully what fans have enjoyed on
the last two, but I still want to do some more exploring, and sit down
at that piano more,? he says. ?Because for me, when I?m able to sit
down at the piano and play, there?s just something that comes out
that?s even more grounded than when I?m just standing there singing.?
Groban is hoping for a May or June 2006 release, followed by another tour.",,CNTID%253D63241%2526CTID%253D%2526CNTYP%253DNEWS,00.html
Also, according to his website he performed at the Grammy Jam on Dec 10, 2005.
Best regards,