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Speed of Light/Relativity
Category: Science > Physics Asked by: ocoeeriver-ga List Price: $2.00 |
09 Mar 2006 12:27 PST
Expires: 08 Apr 2006 13:27 PDT Question ID: 705443 |
Regarding relativity. It is said that a person going at light speed would not experience time, so I'm wondering what would happen in the following scenario... Let's say that there is a spaceship that can travel at the speed of light, and this spaceship is placed in an orbit around a non-rotating planet. The orbit is such that it takes the spaceship one year (at the speed of light) to go all the way around this planet. Now, on that planet, let's place a very good hiker. This guy will circumvent the planet on foot, by boat, by bike, etc. also in one year. Now, the guys in the spaceship have a telescope that is looking right at the guy on the planet (and maybe he has one looking back). What I don't understand is how the guys in the spaceship would not perceive the passage of time, especially since, presumably, they would be able to see the hiker making progress across the world. I may have misstated this or missed something, but I trust you get the idea. How can time be relatively still for the spaceship, but a year goes by for the hiker? Can someone explain? |
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Re: Speed of Light/Relativity
From: markvmd-ga on 09 Mar 2006 12:34 PST |
Part of the problem is the spaceship guys would have infinite mass and be infinitely flat. Ignoring that, they wouldn't be able to see the hiker 'cuz he wouldn't be where they were looking as they woul dhave moved to a different point over the planet. I suppose he could hang about for a while to let his image get to the spaceship, but that would let you see part of the problem... |
Re: Speed of Light/Relativity
From: murunbuchstansinger-ga on 09 Mar 2006 14:49 PST |
I think the key is in the name of the theory - the light emitted from the planet alters and time alters relative to the spaceship (on the assumption that the spaceship it only just sub light speed, not *at* light speed). The only way I can begin to visualise (no pun intended) this scenario is, if you imagine everything has a set amount of energy to expend on moving through the four dimensions. If you are moving at, say, 50 miles an hour through one of the 3 physical dimensions, most of your energy is used going through time at 1 second per second relative to your surroundings. Should you, however, travel at approaching the speed of light then most of your energy is going into 3 dimensional travel and there's none left to carry on going forward in time relative to other things that are travelling slowly, and can still put most of the energy into going through time. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_relativity Anyway, watch "The Planet of the Apes" (original) and "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century" and you will learn all you ever need to know. I hear that's where Stephen Hawking picked all the stuff up that he goes on about ;) |
Re: Speed of Light/Relativity
From: qed100-ga on 09 Mar 2006 16:27 PST |
Some hypothetical questions of this sort are answerable by pointing out that the spaceship wouldn't be traveling at the speed of light. The spacecraft is massive, and therefore in context of special relativity it is forever confined to speeds less than c. The best it can ever do is approach c, but not get to c. It's like this: Division by zero is "not allowed" in math class. Why is that? It's because, as mathematician's would put it, division by zero, x/0, is undefined. There's no meaning to it at all. But it is meaningful to speak of the relationship x/n such that n approaches 0. It can then be legitimately said that x/n approaches infinity as n approaches 0. This is called the "limit" of the function x/n as n approaches 0. In the same way it's meaningless to ask hypothetically of circumstances in which observers are traveling at c. They can't travel at c, and so there is no answer that matters in the real world. According to SR, it's only meaningful to analyse observations from a reference system which is approaching c as a limit. So no matter how close to c you'd care to propose for the orbiting spaceship, it will be subject to the orderly passage of time. Another problem with your thought experiment is that it's not special relativistic. It clearly involves non-linear travel, since it asks about observations from a circularly orbiting platform. This means that it's only properly addressed by general relativity, which is capable of dealing with non-inertial circumstances. So we must ask, what is the centripetal force acting on the spaceship to hold it to its circular path? By the equivalence principle (upon which GR is founded), this central force will be effectively equivalent to gravitation, and thus will impart the same consequences that gravity induces. In particular, the spaceship will be subject to time dilation due to gravitation apart from the time dilation due to its tangential motion. Overall, I'd say that for light itself (a massless object) to orbit circularly at c, the centripetal force would be equivalent to the gravitational field just barely above the event horizon of a black hole. Any massive object would be orbiting the hole at an even higher altitude. But what this means most importantly is that the planet & its hiker would then be inside a black hole, relative to the orbiting ship, and would be unobservable. |
Re: Speed of Light/Relativity
From: egon_spangler-ga on 13 Mar 2006 12:11 PST |
There is no problem with this at all. Allow me to change it a bit. Imagine your hiker is walking around the equator of a planet holding a laser straight up the entire time. Just above the hikers head if you measure the lasers spot across a non moving sheet of paper (relative to the planet) it will only be slightly faster than his walking speed. Immesurably faster if it's jsut a few inches above the laser. If you go much farther out the spot will move closer and closer to the speed of light across the paper and eventuialy you could calculate the speed of the dot as being much faster than the speed of light. That's because motion of the spot across the paper is not motion at all. So there is actuialy a point where you cannot travel fast enough to keep up with the hiker. There is also a point where you could and still be right up against the speed of light. By the time the light gets out to your ship the hiker would have gone around the world several more times and the ship would be behind. It's all about where you observe the hiker from. |
Re: Speed of Light/Relativity
From: ocoeeriver-ga on 21 Mar 2006 09:30 PST |
Thank you all very much! I know I'm a bit dense on this, but permit me to ask it another way.... For the sake of this thought experiment, let's say that there is a rope of infinite lightness (i.e., it would not be weighed down by it's own weight at some point). One end of the rope is held by the hiker, and the other end is tied to the space ship. Again, both will circumvent the planet in one year...one at the equator, the other so far out as to be required to travel at light speed in order to make the round in one year. Well, it seems logical to me (again, I realize I must be missing something) that the spaceship would be in something akin to geostationary orbit above the hiker (granted, far, far, far above). That is, when the hiker has circumvented a quarter of the globe, so, too, will the spaceship. For the life of me, I don't see why that is not possible (setting aside for a moment the notion/fact that a spaceship cannot go at the speed of light). And assuming it could be done, I don't see how a year is a year is a year would not apply to BOTH the hiker and the people aboard the spaceship. Additional thoughts welcome (please be kind!) |
Re: Speed of Light/Relativity
From: johnblue-ga on 30 Mar 2006 02:30 PST |
The problem is that a year isn't a year. Time only matters to the observer, it is not absolute. One hour on earth is not the same as an hour on the moon (though it is extremely close). If the observers in the space ship did not know about relativity, and they tried to calculate the speed of the hiker (knowing planets circumference), they would estimate the hiker moving much faster than he is actually moving. The reason is that the time for the hiker may be a year, but the time for the space ship guys approaches zero as they approach the speed of light. The Lorentz Factor = 1/(1-v^2/c^2) This is essentially your increase in speed due to relativity, or can be viewed as a reduction in time past. For 99% speed of light, you are essentially travelling 50 times the speed of light, and the hiker would appear to be travelling 50 times the speed he was really travelling. For 99.9%, the factor is 500. The amount of energy required to reach these speeds can be calculated with with speed times the Lorentz (E ratio is L^2), not just by using Newtonian physics for .99c and .999c There is nothing wrong with your question. The answer is essentially that time passage doesn't have to be the same for everyone. Didn't you hear about that Russian spacecraft that orbited at very high speeds with an accurate watch onboard that came back reading slow? |
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