I need ecommerce package advice.
I'm building a store for a fine art print seller. Their store has to
look beautiful as well as function as, well, a store. They don't have
high-end ecom needs (they don't need lots of bells and whistles,
affiliates, GCs, etc.).
* But they do need a lot of peripheral information attached to each
print's page (historical details, artist, etc.), and they want to
offer semi-customized framing and matting.
* The frames are sold by linear foot, and each print has dimensions,
so the purchase of a framed print might consist of:
1. a print
2. a frame type
3. a matte color
* The ecom solution will need to be able to add a line-item to an
order that is calculated based on a. the dimensions of the print and
b. the cost per foot of the framing. So a 10x10 square print will
result in (40/12) feet of frame * $x dollars per foot.
* The store owners will need to update frame and print details
regularly -- not often, but as needed, perhaps once a day. They are
not terribly technical, and would love to do it either in their own
FMPro database (and upload FMPro data through a conversion util, like
* Here's the hosting situation
a. I have an ecom account with "shopsite manager" installed.
b. I can upgrade to "shopsite pro" if need be (all through the host)
c. I can also downgrade, lose all shopsite materials, and go with a
free solution like Zen Cart, or even a modestly priced pay solution
like SquirrelCart.
d. the host is FreeBSD+MySQL+PHP 4.3, python, perl, etc. -- a good
host with the right toolkit
Here's the question:
Given that I need to: a. really customize the product pages to look
lovely, minimal, and gallery-esque, b. calculate a framing cost by
frame type and linear foot (in addition to connecting to a payment
gateway, save customer data, and all the other things expected of an
ecom package), should I:
1. stick with shopsite mgr?
2. upgrade to pro? (why?)
3. use Zen Cart?
4. pay for Squirrel Cart or similar?
I need some good, experience-based advice on how worthwhile it is to
stick with SS/SSpro vs. Zen, particularly on the
ease-of-total-customization question.
Thanks! |