According to different sources, there would have been between 26 and
40 million Jews if the Holocaust had not occurred.
From the New Internationalist Magazine, issue 372 published in October 2004:
There would have been approximately 40 million Jews worldwide.
?In 1939, just before World War Two, the global Jewish population was
approximately 16 million, of which some 11 million are estimated to
have lived in Europe. After the War, the European Jewish population
was reduced to around 5 million.
If 6 million Jews hadn?t been killed in the Shoah, and assuming an
average population growth rate of 1.4% (the current world average),
then in 2004 there would have been approximately 40 million Jews
worldwide, or nearly 3 times the current population.?
New Internationalist: October 2004
26 to 32 million Jews
?If there had there been no Holocaust, there would now be 26 to 32
million Jews in the world today, instead of 13 million.?
?NEVER AGAIN: A HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL? is a one hour special that
includes Larry Josephson's recent exclusive interview with Elie
Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize for
his work on behalf of humanity
Approximately 24 million (1998)
?Half a century ago, at the end of World War II, at the end of the
greatest calamity that our people sustained, we lost 6 million of our
members. We numbered 12 million. By the slowest rate of population
increase that we recognize in Western societies we should have been
now at least 24 million Jews.?
Jewish Federation General Assembly: 1998
Benjamin Netanyahu
"It is estimated that the 13 million Jews in the world today would
total from 32 to 36 million Jews if not for the Holocaust."
Hank Roth: Never again
?The Holocaust of the 1930s and and 40s transformed Jewish
demographics-if the Holocaust had not occurred there would now be
between 25 and 35 million Jews in the world, and far more of them
would live in Europe.?
Search criteria:
"15..45 million Jews? Holocaust
I hope the information provided is helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |