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Q: Wilderness Survival Training ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   1 Comment )
Subject: Wilderness Survival Training
Category: Sports and Recreation > Outdoors
Asked by: philip_lynx-ga
List Price: $25.00
Posted: 30 Sep 2002 08:32 PDT
Expires: 30 Oct 2002 07:32 PST
Question ID: 70761
Hello Google Researchers,

I am looking for practical Wilderness Survival Training.
Start date 12/22/02, 12/26/02 or therabouts, 
max. duration: 10 days, minimum duration 3 days.
Location: Southwest of the USA or Mexico (e.g. CA, AZ, ...)

Please find for me any schools or instructors that are available for
the given time frame (for two persons), and which have a reasonable

Thank you for your help,
Philip Lynx
Subject: Re: Wilderness Survival Training
Answered By: journalist-ga on 30 Sep 2002 11:00 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Greetings!  I have located only one course so far in the general time
frame of your query.  However, I have emailed several other survival
course possibilities and am awaiting their responses for the dates you
requested, so please refrain from rating until I have received word
from them and posted it for your perusal.

The course closest to your date query (actually posted on a website)
is in mid-January and is offered by and
they have skills courses and adventure courses.  Their Winter
Wonderland course text reads as follows:

"Winter Wonderland 
(Class limit: 10 students)  
January 19-25, 2003 $990 
Exposure to cold can kill within hours. Knowing what to do and how to
do it quickly can be a lifesaver. Challenge yourself by adapting to
old man winter under the beautiful, Mogollon Rim of north eastern
Arizona. We'll base camp in a historic, fully furnished 1898 log cabin
in the heart of Zane Grey country, the world renowned western author
of the 1920's. Discover what works to keep you warm and dry to
establish wintertime as your new comfort zone! Experience Cold Weather
Clothing Systems: choosing your clothing for fit and function, the
European layering method, insulation types, clothing material
properties, using "sock shoes," vapor barriers; How Cold Affects Your
Body: the physiology of heat loss and gain, short and long term heat
production methods, how your body produces heat; Building Shelter:
where, what, why and how to build winter shelters including quinzhee,
hole in the snow, snow trenches and super shelters; Making Fire: from
half matches, metal matches, magnesium, bow drills, natural tinder
bundles, techno tinders, fire lighting when everything's wet, fire on
snow, fire as a tool, fire safety and physics, doubling your fire's
heat; Getting Water: from snow and ice, preventing dehydration, water
disinfection methods, flavoring options, maximal hydration tips,
natural and human indicators, body water requirements in the cold;
Signaling for Rescue: getting attention using mirrors, ground to air,
sound and smoke; Defining Winter and Winter Ecology: selective
criteria for environmental adaptation to cold, the five vectors of
winter, winter plant identification, game patterns and identification;
Food and Nutrition as Energy: macro and micro nutrients, basal
metabolic rates for men and women, diet induced thermogenesis,
designing cold weather food packs; Winter Injuries: sun and cold
injuries, preventing frostbite, snowblindness, trench foot and
hypothermia; Properties and Uses for Snow, Winter Travel, Safe Knife
and Saw Use, Winter Survival Kits, and more! Two hot, hearty meals a
day are included. Come and join us around the fireplace for this
intimate look at the winter season!"

Because there is desert to snow-capped mountains in your desired area,
do you have a preference for either?  I have found desert survival and
mountain survival.  I welcome a clarification from you on this matter
so I will be certain of your preference as I search and send inquiries
to the schools.

It may be that because you request dates so close to Christmas you may
have to hire a personal guide.  Would this be of interest to you?  I
ask because it would probably increase the price and I want to be
certain your budget includes this possibility.  (I have emailed regarding info and prices for a personal guide on
the dates you requested.)

On a side note, I would guess you are familiar with Tom Brown, Jr., a
most heralded tracker and wilderness survivor.  His school is located
in New Jersey, out of your area, but I think you may enjoy his website
at - on the main page, there is a link
to "Join Our Tracker School Online Community it's open to anyone
interested in being a part of the Tracker Family" at the bottom of the
page.  You may find additional information by joining that community
and querying members.

I will post the replies I receive as they come to my mail box, and I
thank you for your patience.


wilderness survival training winter arizona  [Google search]

EQUIPPED TO SURVIVE (tm) - Survival Schools & Courses (a long list of
survival schools)

Survival Links - Wilderness survival schools Arizona

wilderness survival personal instructor california  [Google search]

Wilderness School and realred Products and Services Index

winter wilderness adventure  [Google search]

Outpost Wilderness Adventure- Adventure Trips, Expeditions and ...

Clarification of Answer by journalist-ga on 30 Sep 2002 12:36 PDT
Dear Philip:

I have just received one reply from Peter Kummerfeldt of  He replied he is already booked for your specified
dates and has forwarded my query to Greg Wiggins at  He stated "Greg does a great job
particularly in the field."

I shall keep you updated as additional queries are answered.

Request for Answer Clarification by philip_lynx-ga on 30 Sep 2002 13:28 PDT
Hi Journalist-ga,

you are definitively on the right track :-) with your answer, and I am
very much looking forward to the complete information that you are

The hard window into which the course date must fit is 12/22 to 5/1.
In other words, courses must not begin earlier than the first, and
must not end later than the second date.

There is no firm preference of desert over mountains, etc. Since the
dates are very restrictive, we are going to take what we get, same is
true for regional limitations. ;-) So if the only available guide
would be in NJ, we would go there... It is important that the course
be practical, i.e. a teaching course, sitting in a log cabin for three
days, would not be 'it'.

A personal guide is of interest, depending on budget. I don't really
know their price. Are we talking >$200 per day? From the first links
that you posted I saw that some schools offer equipment. That is a
very good point, and necessary to us.

Yes, I have seen Tom Brown Jr.'s website, and find it very unfortunate
that we can not attend his courses due to time constraints...

Thank you for your efforts. I am looking forward to your pointer to a
concrete set of instructors or schools to conclude this question.

Clarification of Answer by journalist-ga on 30 Sep 2002 15:57 PDT
Dear Philip:

Did you mean to type "5/1"?  May 1?  That would open up the search
considerably. Please let me know.

Thanks for the clarification and additional info.  I will concentrate
on west of the Mississippi but if I locate a "jungle" survival option
offered in Florida, do you want to see that as well?

I don't know the personal guides' prices either as I've not received
further word from my email queries but I'll post them as they appear
(hopefully with positive results) and query back for cost if they
don't include it.  I'll also ask about personal equipment being
included.  Thanks again for your patience and for answering the
additional clarifications.

Request for Answer Clarification by philip_lynx-ga on 30 Sep 2002 16:11 PDT
January 5. Sorry.

Clarification of Answer by journalist-ga on 30 Sep 2002 17:07 PDT
That's what I thought.  Just making sure.  : )

Clarification of Answer by journalist-ga on 01 Oct 2002 10:26 PDT
I've heard back from a Texas Survival School but they sent a general
meesage with a link to reservations.  I wanted you to have the link
because you may be able to send a personal query that way.  There is a
drop-down menu towards the bottom to specify excursion length, private
instruction, etc.

Desert Unique Survival Course (DUST) Online Reservations

Request for Answer Clarification by philip_lynx-ga on 01 Oct 2002 17:23 PDT
Hi Journalist,

I am still hoping for your pointer to a concrete set of instructors or
schools to conclude this question. Do you think you will get
additional data, or should we consider this question asnwered and done
with? :-)

Clarification of Answer by journalist-ga on 01 Oct 2002 21:34 PDT
Not done with, by any means, at least not on my end.  : )  In this
question's answering, emails had to be sent to provide you with the
information and...we have a possibility!  One of the emails was
answered this evening and I suggest you contact them.  Here's the

"Thanks for your interest in our survival programs. Yes, we currently
have our schedule open from December 26 & on.

"A couple of questions to help with determining course particulars: 

"1.What specific scenario or environment are you interested in
obtaining skills for (generalized North American skills or specific-
such as desert or winter conditions)?

"2. Do you want to work on navigation skills along with survival and
be on the move each day or be in a wilderness basecamp working
strictly on survival skills with only short dayhikes from camp?

"For all of our one-on-one courses, we provide hands-on instruction in
the wilderness, all relevant gear, food (basic staples like rice,
oats, etc... to augment any foraged food), and a complimentary copy of
our book Practical Survival and a survival kit. In addition, we
conduct our courses in some of the finest canyon country in the
southwest. You will also walk away with a variety of handmade
primitive tools and wilderness skills that you can immediately apply
to your next outing.

"If you would like to discuss any of the above in greater detail or
have any questions, feel free to call us at 928-774-7522.

"Thanks again for your interest, 
Tony Nester 
Ancient Pathways, LLC"

I sent out about 15 emails to survival schools so you may choose to
close the question but I will continue to post the info as I received
it.  I hope additional responses come, but at least we do have one
that meets your time frame!  Any further clarifications, please don't
hesitate to ask.

Clarification of Answer by journalist-ga on 02 Oct 2002 09:35 PDT
Just in this morning:

Christopher Nyerges & Dolores L. Nyerges 
School of Self-reliance

"Hello. We can offer wilderness training, wild food training,e tc. 
That time frame is OK. You can email more details or write if you wish
(Box 41834, LA 90041). Or check the web site.  See if there are
classes here during that time, and private classes can be arranged.

Clarification of Answer by journalist-ga on 02 Oct 2002 18:04 PDT
Thank you for your generous rating of my research and I am delighted
to have been of assistance.  I did hear from another possibility:

"My apologies for not replying right away.  I was in the field running
a training course.  At this time I do not have anything scheduled for
the general public during the time period you have specified.  I do
occasionally run special courses for individuals, but I will need to
know more about what you want.  If you like you can call me at our
toll-free number at 877-371-2634 to discuss options.  ~David Alloway~"

I wish you a safe and memorable wilderness experience.  :)

Clarification of Answer by journalist-ga on 03 Oct 2002 14:03 PDT
Howdy again.  This just in from Greg Davenport of Simply Survival:

I am pretty sure we could provide a trip during that time frame… 
Lasting perhaps between the 26th and the 31st (6 days).  During this
time we could totally saturate you in the wilderness survival concept
with extensive hands on and a high instructor to student ratio…  To
run such a trip would cost $1500 to $3000 a day depending on
objectives (I am confident we could do it for the $1500/day figure). 
In other words if you took a 6 day class (set up just for you) it
would cost $9000.  If you did a 4 day trip it would cost $6000.  The
trip would follow this outline:

Realize that this trip is different from our open enrollment trips in
that it would be personalized just for you and would offer a one to
one instructor student ratio (if not better)… However, my costs are
the same for a private trip as they are for an open enrollment trip
and if money is an issue you should consider attending our trip in
February (between the 20th and 23rd).  The cost of that trip is
$600/person.  The average class size is 10 to 14 students with 3
instructors and one logistics person.  As of today, we still have a
couple openings.

Either way, let me know if you’d like to discuss this further… I
really enjoy cold weather trips and would enjoy providing this for

Note:  if we are able to get other students for this time frame… the
trip cost/day would be the same but the individual cost would be trip
cost divided by number attending.  There is a chance we could get
others for this trip…  No guarantees but there are potentially others
that would like to come on that date.

Greg Davenport

Request for Answer Clarification by philip_lynx-ga on 03 Oct 2002 15:39 PDT
Hi Journalist-ga,

I'll probably go with Tony Nester, given all circumstances (price,
location, availability). I have gotten in contact with Greg, Tony, and
a few others, mostly thanks to your pointers. Again, thank you for all
your efforts, this was great!

Philip Lynx

Clarification of Answer by journalist-ga on 03 Oct 2002 17:22 PDT
I'm pleased you had a successful Google Answers experience and it has
been a pleasure to assist you in your quest.
philip_lynx-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars
Thorough, tenacious, successful. I really appreciate the effort you
are making to give a complete and satisfactory answer.

Subject: Addition to the list - just in
From: journalist-ga on 07 Oct 2002 19:13 PDT
Dear Philip:

This arrived this evening.  I thought you might be interested.  : )

"Hi, I do offer individual survival courses, I have those dates free,
and I can provide equipment.  For private instruction I charge by the
day, and we can design the program to meet your needs and interests. 
What exactly are you looking for, as you mentioned both training and
experience?  I can do either of these, but they are a bit different. 
I'd be happy to speak with you about this whenever is convenient."

Tim Smith
(603) 569-6150

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