Hello Eliskt,
According to the annual report of American Journalism, the average
article length at the New York Times is about 1,200 words.
?The length of articles shifts with newspaper size as well. Larger
papers, not surprisingly, run longer articles on their section fronts.
At the very largest general circulation papers in the country - The
Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, USA Today and The Washington
Post - the majority of articles, 64 percent, were more than 1,000
words. It was closer to a quarter of all articles at the midsized
papers, and just more than one in ten articles at the smallest
circulation papers.?
Story Length by Circulation Category
Percent of all Stories
Story Length Large Medium Small
1,000 or Less 37% 71% 87%
More than 1,000 64 29 13
?Looked at another way, the average article length at the largest
papers was about 1,200 words. The average was just more than 800 words
at midsize papers and fell to less than 600 words at the smallest
The State of the News Media
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Additional information that might interest you.
?When it came to the national papers, The New York Times once again
led all others in arts and culture coverage. The volume of the Gray
Lady?s output remained greater by an order of magnitude than at any of
the metropolitan newspapers we monitored. This was especially true
when contrasted with the diminutive coverage at the two other national
dailies, The Wall Street Journal and USA Today. The Times?s newshole
for arts and culture journalism was more than twice as big as those at
any of the metropolitan newspapers in Reporting the Arts II, except
for the Chicago Tribune and the San Francisco Chronicle.?
The New York Times
?Compared with figures from October 1998, the overall coverage at the
Times stayed roughly the same size. Its volume of listings went up
slightly while its newshole for articles went down, but its total
number of articles increased. There were almost 1,000 A&C pieces
published by the paper during October 2003. This larger number of
articles in a smaller overall newshole amounts to a shorter average
article length, a trend seen across the country. Even after the cuts,
however, the average article in the Times was longer than at any local
newspaper we studied.?
?The Times was the only newspaper we monitored to devote more space
both to the performing arts and to books than to any other single arts
discipline. And popular music received a lower priority than average.
It was the only newspaper to file more articles on classical music
than on pop and rock. Television, it seems, was treated as an
?The Times?s overall story count on the performing arts remained
constant compared with five years ago, with a slight change of
emphasis?there was more on theater, less on dance and opera. In
addition, the Times led in coverage of both the visual and the
decorative arts. The paper?s story count for photography and
architecture was more than double that of any other newspaper in our
study; its coverage of painting has almost doubled compared with five
years ago.?
The Dailies
Old Formats, New Challenges
Search criteria:
"NY Times" number of words in an average article
"Average article length " "New York Times" article
Word count New York Times
I hope the information provided is helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |