I am currently working on a Document Based Question for my World
History class. I am not interested in someone writing the essay for
me. I need help in the grouping of the documents. I'll type the prompt
and then documents and give my thoughts. I simply want advice on the
best ways the put the documents in groups to respond to the prompt.
Based on the following documents, analyze the unifying and divisive
forces of nationalism in the nineteenth century.
Historical Background: Nationalism, fostered by Enlightenment ideas,
including popular soveriegnty, became a powerful force in the
nineteenth century. Its impact wasa not limited to Europe.
Document 1
Source: The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, issued
by the French National Assembly, 1789.
The source of all sovereignty resides essentially in the nation; no
group, no individual may exercise authority not emanating expressly
Document 2
Source: Simon Bolivar, The Angostura Address, delivered before a
congress convened to organize a republic for Venezuela, 1819.
Americans by birth and Europeans by law, we find ourselves engaged in
a dual conflict: we are disputing with the natives for titles of
ownership, and at the same time struggling to maintain ourselves in
the country that gave us birth against the opposition of the invaders.
Document 3
Source: Ernst Moritz Arndt, German Poet, 1837.
What is the German fatherland?
So name me that big land!
Wherever the German language is spoken
And God signs hymns in heaven,
That's what it shall be! That's what it shall be!
Brave German, Call that your own!
Document 4
Source: Giuseppe Mazzini, founder of Young Italy, from the essay,
Europe: Its Conditions and Prospects, 1852.
Europe no longer possesses unity of faith, of mission, or of aim. Such
unity is a necessity to the world... There are in Europe two great
questions; or rather, the question of authority, that is to say, of
the Revolution, has assumed two forms; the question which all have
argued to call social, and the question of nationalities. The first is
more exclusively agitated in France, the second in the heart of the
peoples of Europe...
The question of nationality can only be resolved by destroying the
treaties of 1815, and changing the map of Europe and its public law.
The question of nationalities, rightly understood, is the alliance of
the peoples; the balance of powers based upon new foundations; the
organization of the work that Europe has to accomplish...
They speak the same language, they bear about them the impress of
consanguinity, they kneel beside the same tombs, they glory in the
same tradition; and they demand to associate freely... in order to
elaborate and express their idea... the map of Europe must be remade.
Document 5
Source Louis Kossuth, Hungarian nationalist leader, in a speech at a
congressional banquet given in his honor in Washington D.C., 1852.
We Hungarians are very fond of the principle of municipal
self-government, and we have a natural horror against the principle of
centralization. The fond attachment to municipal self-government
without which there is no provincial freedom possible is a fundamental
feature of our national character.
Where the cradle of our Savior stood, where his divine doctrine was
founded, there now another faith rules, and the whole Europe?s armed
pilgrimage could not avert this faith from that sacred spot, nor stop
the rushing waves of Islamism absorbing the Christian empire if
Constantine. We stopped these rushing waves. The breast of my nation
proved breakwater to them. We guarded Christiandome, that Luthers and
Calvins might reform it.
Document 6
Theodore Herzl, Zionist leader, from pamphlet entitled The Jewish State, 1896.
In countries where we have lived for centuries we are still regarded
as strangers, and often those whose ancestors were not dwelling in the
land where the Jews had already experienced suffering...
Let us be granted sovereignty over a part of the globe large enough to
satisfy the rightful requirements of a nation; the rest we shall
handle ourselves.
Document 7
Source: Ziya Gokalp, Turkish Nationalist, from the essay, On Turkism, 1913.
The Tanzamatists said to them: "You are Ottoman subjects. Do not claim
a national existence that is distinct from that of other nations. If
you do, you will cause the destruction of the Ottoman empire."
I know the promt suggests unifying and devisive as the two grouping
categories but im looking for a more analytical way to group them
(More than two main groupings). |