Hello again Question_will,
Below you will find additional information and references.
?There is an increasing interest level by physicians to use email,
disease management and compliance tools to monitor their patients'
?Work-related online access and use of online tools is gaining ground
amongst physicians. While searching for health information online is
an established practice among physicians, pharmaceutical companies
must ensure the information they provide is accurate and user-friendly
for physicians who have limited time. This PowerPoint insight survey
pack identifies the growth potential for online tools.?
Datamonitor's eHealth Physician Insight Survey: 2005 Survey Results Overview
October 6, 2005
Physician?s use of the Internet continues to surge
The Internet is reinventing medicine, health care delivery and
physician communication
?It is no secret that more physicians and medical professionals are
using the Internet more than ever before. Uses range from
administrative needs like claims submissions and insurance eligibility
and ordering supplies to continued education by physicians
themselves. The American Medical Association (AMA) reports that the
health care industry is expected to exceed $400 billion in e-commerce
spending during 2005. Physician offices, using the Internet to reduce
the cost of operations, will represent 14 percent of the spending.?
?It is interesting to note that 87 percent of online physicians
surveyed in the same study revealed the internet as a critical
resource for information on prescription drugs and other treatment
options. And 79 percent responded favorably to the idea of
physician-targeted ?customer service portals? offered by
pharma/biotech companies, with almost one-third expecting online
Medical Marketing
This Medical Marketing Blog is provided by Estco Medical
(www.estcomedical.com) to track the trends and data relevant to
interactive medical marketing. Issues also relate to healthcare IT
adoption, medical education, and market research
Across the country, e-prescribing is fast becoming the easy and
convenient way for physicians to handle prescriptions
?As of Q2 2005, more than 2,700 prescribers in Massachusetts have
incorporated e-prescribing into their practices through the eRx
--There was a 41 percent increase in the number of scripts sent in Q2
compared to Q1
--Over one million scripts have been sent through the eRx Collaborative in 2005
"The continued growth of the eRx Collaborative holds great promise for
physicians, pharmacists and patients in Massachusetts," said Marianne
Leahy, Vice President of alliances at Tufts Health Plan. "This project
demonstrates the ability we have to bring improvements to our health
care system through collaboration."
Business Wire, Sept 16, 2005
?Due to HMHS? recent innovations and expansion of its online
resources, beneficiary and provider usage has exploded. Over the last
year, beneficiary Web transactions have increased by over 400% while
provider usage has increased by over 180%.?
Younger physicians, specialists use Internet more
?Sixty-six percent of Canadian physicians in clinical practice use the
Internet as a tool or source of information to support treatment or in
direct patient care, according to the CMA's 2003 Physician Resource
Questionnaire (PRQ). Searching online medical databases is the most
popular use of the Internet among clinicians (reported by 57%),
followed by referring to online clinical practice guidelines (41%) and
reading online medical journals (38%). Sixteen percent of physicians
in clinical practice refer to online drug databases, while 8% receive
secure patient-specific information over the Internet and 6% visit
other physicians' Web sites?
?Medical specialists are more likely (73%) to search online medical
databases than surgical specialists (64%) or FPs (43%), and a similar
pattern is evident for the reading of online medical journals and
medical texts. Surgical specialists are less likely (32%) to refer to
online CPGs than medical specialists (44%) or FPs (41%). ?
CMAJ ? June 8, 2004; 170 (12). doi:10.1503/cmaj.1040621
Report: Health Insurance Companies to Use IT to Influence Doctors, Patients
March 21, 2006
?A new report released by First Consulting Group predicts that health
insurers are using health IT to expand their influence over doctors
and patients. ?
?Increasingly, health plans will use the Internet to reach out to
patients directly with tips for staying healthy and keeping costs
?Additionally, health plans help health care providers acquire
technology and use information collected by that technology to steer
patients toward particular doctors?
Read more here: Extremenao.com
Professional Use of the Internet by Physical Therapists in Michigan
?The impact of the Internet on health care in growing, therefore
emphasizing the need for physical therapists to become knowledgeable
about using and evaluating this technology as a source of
?The purpose of this descriptive study was to determine access,
current skill, criteria used to evaluate Web sites, and professional
use of the Internet by physical therapists in Michigan.?
?Seventy percent of respondents reported using the Internet for
professional information. Forty-nine percent of respondents used the
Internet for professional research, 39% for work-related e-mail, and
37% for information from professional organizations Twenty-eight
percent accessed online journals, and 26% reported taking continuing
education and online courses for credit. Only 5% reported using the
Internet to gather evidence for reimbursement.?
Read more here:
Journal of Physical Therapy Education, Fall 2004
Internet, e-mail enhances doctor-patient interaction, U-M researcher finds
Systematic approach can help physicians, patients benefit from this tool
?As more people turn to the Internet for health information, doctors
can use it to improve the quality of office visits. But doctors and
their patients should be aware of the advantages and potential
pitfalls of communicating with each other online, according to a paper
published in the March 2006 issue of the Journal of the American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.?
University of Michigan Health System: March 7, 2006
The role of the Internet in healthcare delivery in Europe
From Frost and Sullivan
?Strategic analysis of the role of the Internet in healthcare delivery
in Europe (2003?2008): Internet's scope widens to include commerce and
patient healthcare delivery
?Trends now indicate that higher Internet usage for the purpose of
providing patient healthcare is imminent. From growing email use by
healthcare professionals and consumer ecommerce in the drug market, to
rising electronic procurement by hospitals and Internet diagnosis and
ehealth, the use of the Internet in active healthcare delivery is
poised to soar.?
?As insurance companies and governments seek to make more efficient
use of limited budgets, the Internet is anticipated to gain popularity
as a cost-saving tool. In 2004, about 95% of EU insurance companies
had some form of Internet presence, with many employing the Internet
as a key channel to conduct transactions with healthcare providers.
From a consumer perspective, the Internet is also expected to emerge
as a major source of low-cost insurance.?
Health Informatics
Partnership allows doctors to perfect Web-side manner
?Through a partnership with RelayHealth Corp., a health communications
provider based in Emeryville, Calif., patients are able to receive
consultations for non-urgent care via the Internet.?
?Johnson said the company is the first insurance provider in the area
to offer online consultation co-pays.?
?As with patients, Shepherd said doctors who are technology-savvy are
embracing the program more than those who are not.?
Kansas City Business Journal - March 17, 2006
Orthopedic surgeons can tap IT, too: study
"There is no question that the Internet can be a very powerful partner
for us in educating our patients. A patient who understands their
disease better is more compliant with (physician) recommendations,"
says J. Sybil Biermann, associate professor of orthopaedic surgery and
director of musculoskeletal ??
Modern Healthcare: March 10, 2006
Surgeons use Internet to seek data on running routines
Medical Specialists who Use the Web
2000-2001 growth rates are provided by specialty here:
Source: American Medical Association (AMA)
Search criteria:
Health providers use OR usage online OR web OR Internet
Physicians online OR web OR Internet study
health care provides internet usage increased percent
I hope the information provided is useful for your presentation!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |
Clarification of Answer by
23 Mar 2006 11:29 PST
Additional information that may interest you:
?Access to online discussions, career networking and Web site hosting
services has opened new horizons for physicians, nurses and all other
healthcare professions. We report in this survey that 5.6% of the
healthcare professionals, all over the countries, increased their use
of the Internet from 2002 to 2005.?
Health On the Net Survey
Healthcare Providers AreIncreasingly Adopting Security Technologies
The 2004 study shows that market interest in single sign-on technology
is strong and increasing. Sixty-two percent of healthcare providers
that do not yet own SSO are currently piloting, evaluating, or
planning to implement this technology.
Source: IDC, 2004
The State and Pattern of HEALTH Information Technology Adoption
Rand Health: 2005
?This report provides the technical details and results on the current
state and dynamics of clinical Health Information Technology (HIT)
adoption in inpatient and outpatient settings. In addition, it
describes how a HIT-adoption pattern varies across different types of
providers and relates market factors and parent-system characteristics
to HIT-adoption level. The results of this report can be used to
derive policies on HIT adoption.?
Download the complete report here:
?UAE Physicians are the highest amongst the region on Internet usage
for the diagnosing and treatment."
?According to one of the largest online medical web portals,
physicians within the UAE are the highest amongst the region when it
comes to utilizing the Internet for diagnosing and the selection of
treatment options for their patients.
In a comprehensive survey conducted by Univadis.md, a leading online
medical library and research engine for physicians, it was found that
Internet usage amongst medical professionals was high, with
approximately 52% utilizing the Internet daily, and that nine out of
ten UAE physicians rate the Internet as an ?extremely positive? tool
for receiving continuous education programs and has become the main
source of medical information for daily practice.
Over the years, the Internet has seen huge leaps in popularity within
the medical world, and due to savings in time efficiency; there has
been an increased use of online professional Internet usage as opposed
to offline usage.
These days, medical professionals prefer to access online medical
journals and association websites for updates on news and information
relating to diseases within their field of specialty.?
Internet News: 11 October 2005
E-visits for non-urgent care gain ground.
?Physicians report that the Internet can be used to enhance
doctor-patient interaction and increase the level of patient care,
finds a new survey by Accel Healthcare Communications.?
?83% of physicians expect improvements in the information available on
the Web that will allow them to better use it as a patient education
All Business
Survey Says Patients and Physicians Support E-Health System
Press release: "Eighty-six percent of U.S. physicians surveyed said
that a health-care system that adopted information technology such as
electronic health records would improve the quality of health care
patients receive.
?Although more than half (57 percent) of U.S. physicians surveyed say
they regularly use a personal digital assistant (PDA) or hand-held
computer during a typical workweek, most does use the devices for
administrative than clinical tasks. According to the Chicago-based
American Medical Association and the Cambridge, Mass-based Forrester
Research 2005 Physicians and Technology Study, 87 percent of the does
surveyed say they use PDAs to maintain their address books, and 80
percent use them for keeping details of appointments. While 65 percent
use PDAs to check drug references via hand-helds, only 7 percent of
the physicians use hand-helds to order medications; 6 percent use the
devices to access patient records and 5 percent use PDAs to view lab
Source: Health Management Technology: May, 2005 issue
The number of physicians saying that information technology is
essential to their medical practices tripled from only 114,000 in 2002
to more than 380,000 in 2005, according to Manhattan Research's fifth
annual study of physician IT adoption trends.
Source: Health Management Technology: July, 2005
Some older articles:
Trends in physician Internet use
eHealth?s Influence Continues to Grow as Usage of the Internet by
Physicians and Patients Increases