Request for Question Clarification by
27 Mar 2006 09:14 PST
What about Doris Day?
"Shortly after finishing her fourteenth movie, ?Calamity Jane,? things
changed for Doris. She began having panic attacks; feeling as though
she was falling apart. She kept it all from Marty and because of her
Christian Science background, would not go to a doctor. She did
however see her Christian Science Practitioner, Martin Broones. When
she did see him, she found out that she was just exhausted. It took
her several months to become herself again.
Because she was ill during the time that ?Calamity Jane? premiered,
she took no interviews. She had always been very cooperative with the
media in the past and when she became uncooperative, the media began
to call her snooty. They began to think that because she was now so
famous, she didn?t need anyone. This upset Doris and only added to the
After making ?Lucky Me?, she had the opportunity to speak to the
press. She explained to them that she had had a nervous breakdown and
that she was sorry for avoiding them. She just needed time to put
herself back together again. Telling the people about her condition
and being able to talk about it, was a turning point in her recovery."