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Training Babies/Infants To Eat
Category: Health > Children Asked by: lwc1234-ga List Price: $20.00 |
24 Mar 2006 11:16 PST
Expires: 23 Apr 2006 12:16 PDT Question ID: 711533 |
I have a theory about how to get an infant boy (~1 year old) to eat. Throughout his life, he has been a bad eater. He might take a few bites of food per meal if you're lucky. My theory is a bit like sleep training applied to eating. I would propose sitting the boy down, and giving him a fixed amount to eat (like a small bowl of oatmeal), and until he eats it, keep him seated in the chair. I could imagine going several hours until he realizes that unless he eats, he won't be able to get up. I'm wondering if there's respected medical or scientific articles that would support such an approach. I'm looking for 2-3 good articles from trusted publications in the medical or scientific community that would lend credence to such a position. | |
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Re: Training Babies/Infants To Eat
From: steph53-ga on 24 Mar 2006 11:27 PST |
Your "training method" sounds to me like "child abuse". Making a baby sit in front of a food dish he has no desire to eat and not letting him get up, will only make him associate food with punishment. My 2 cents, Steph53 ( mother of 2 who grew up as "picky" eaters ) |
Re: Training Babies/Infants To Eat
From: pinkfreud-ga on 24 Mar 2006 11:38 PST |
Even if this method resulted in the child eating more, I would expect that it would cause a psychological link in the child's mind between food and the punishment of being restrained. Food viewed as an accompaniment to unpleasantness: sounds to me like a good way to create an eating disorder. |
Re: Training Babies/Infants To Eat
From: pinkfreud-ga on 24 Mar 2006 11:40 PST |
If your question is referring to an actual child, rather than to a hypothetical situation, I urge you to take the child to a pediatrician. If he is truly not eating enough, he needs medical attention, not homemade behavioral experimentation. |
Re: Training Babies/Infants To Eat
From: probonopublico-ga on 24 Mar 2006 12:30 PST |
Maybe he doesn't care for the food he's been getting because I know that, as an infant, I jibbed at getting oatmeal. Why not try him with other offerings? |
Re: Training Babies/Infants To Eat
From: roxrox-ga on 24 Mar 2006 13:16 PST |
This is about control. Your child is not eating and you want him/her to eat. Who wins (controls), you or the child? Don't make it be lke that, please don't. Please! As a parent you have to give in, the kid is going to eat what the kids wants to eat. Your child is their own little person with their own wants and desires. Don't go down this road. If you love your child you will need to understand that at times the kid does have the control. If you are so inflexible that you always must have the upper hand at all costs, then I will refer you to Nancy. A good friend of my daughters, staight A student with an over controlling mother. Nancy's mom, was a dicator, not a mother. Nancy killed herself when she was in college, went to her dad's took his gun and blew her bains out. When raising, nuturing children, it has to be give and take. Don't go down this road I beg you! |
Re: Training Babies/Infants To Eat
From: cynthia-ga on 24 Mar 2006 17:51 PST |
Are you serious? Force a baby to sit at a table for hours? How? Helping Your Toddler to Eat Well: Sharing the Responsibility http://www.bchealthguide.org/healthfiles/hfile69a.stm According to the BC Ministry of Health: 1) Parents decide what and when food is served. 2) Children decide whether and how much to eat. This article explains the power dynamics of baby/toddler eating. Please reconsider, this doesn't sound like a good theory at all. |
Re: Training Babies/Infants To Eat
From: clock2502-ga on 24 Mar 2006 18:13 PST |
I regret to state that current research contradicts your approach. Your approach, "I would propose sitting the boy down, and giving him a fixed amount to eat (like a small bowl of oatmeal), and until he eats it, keep him seated in the chair. I could imagine going several hours until he realizes that unless he eats, he won't be able to get up". Behaviour theroy states, "Reinforce small gains". In other words reinforce gains. To extinguish a behaviour one needs to "ignore it". Your approach is "punishing it". My feeling is that your approach will be counter productive. Please do not follow through with your approach. In the short term you may "win" because the child will eat after "several hours". This practice will land you in jail in some States and your child will be taken into State custody. There is no literature to support your apporach except for short term gains (in adult only) which does not seem to be your objective. Children at this age need to be fed more frequently and their "senses to realize it" are not developed. Please do not commit a crime. |
Re: Training Babies/Infants To Eat
From: byrd-ga on 24 Mar 2006 18:45 PST |
As a mother of two and grandmother of two, and a veteran of the "food wars," I whole heartedly agree with the advice and plea to NOT force a baby to sit in a chair for hours in front of a dish of food. YOU cannot feel that child's hunger or lack of it. Create a power struggle over food and you will regret it, no question. Matter of fact, I'm still dealing with this food issue in the person of a 9-year-old granddaughter who will voluntarily eat NO vegetables or fruits, whateover. Sigh......... But we're making a little progress. Last week she ate 3 beans, and this week one small piece of a lettuce leaf. But believe it or not, she's reasonably healthy, and WILL grow out of it, as did her father, my son, as did his mother -- me. So just relax, try to make mealtimes fun and enjoyable, encourage the child to take ONE bite of anything objectionable, and let it go. Really. The baby won't starve -- instinct will take care of that -- and you'll all be much happier if you just chill out. |
Re: Training Babies/Infants To Eat
From: nelson-ga on 24 Mar 2006 22:30 PST |
Giving the child an eating disorder won't solve your problem. Let me give you a sneak preview from my upcoming book "The Gay Man's Guide to Child Rearing": Children are like cats. When they are hungry, they'll let you know. Just listen for the meow. |
Re: Training Babies/Infants To Eat
From: probonopublico-ga on 25 Mar 2006 07:27 PST |
It now occurs to me that my elder daughter soon took a great liking to Frosties and my younger one to Coco Pops. Amazingly, their likings have persisted through to the present day. So, even sisters like different things. I guess that it's a question of experimentation until you hit on something that appeals to him then ... Watch Out! You will have to start worrying about his eating too much. |
Re: Training Babies/Infants To Eat
From: nkamom-ga on 25 Mar 2006 12:14 PST |
One other thought - if you are having trouble getting your kid to eat. It is possible that he has sensory issues relating to food. Some kids are adverse to certain tastes, smells, textures, etc. (not talking just stubborn here, but truely, physically not able to do it). Have a look at a book called "Just Take a Bite," or speak to an occupational therapist if you think this might apply. |
Re: Training Babies/Infants To Eat
From: myoarin-ga on 25 Mar 2006 15:41 PST |
"Throughout his life, he has been a bad eater." Like at ca. one year he - and you - have much experience? Especially the "and you". "Bad eater" "Bad" is a moralistic judgement. Every comment here has been to the point, different ones, but all appropriate. I wanted to comment every time I have seen your question. Now I think you need some positive support (after having also unloaded my negative thoughts), though I am not the best one to try to do so. Kids are great, a wonder that God or nature lets us create and nurture, and they are human individuals in their own right. Sure, we have to bring them up, but the better we learn to respect them as individuals -as we do with adults - the more acceptance and respect we will get back. There are so many stories by people that tell how much they loved and respect one or another adult because he or she treated them as a child like and adult, with respect and listening to them. And there is the saying the the first child has to raise its parents - in their new role. It starts now, for both of you. Maybe your son is already picky with his food because of your expectations. "seated in the chair." Maybe he is big for his age, but feeding time for one year-olds is still very much mothering and cuddling. In many cultures, infants are not yet weaned at that age. Just hold him on your lap, love him, and feed him what and when and as much as he wants. Mealtime is family time, a time to enjoy each other. I wish you both all the best, Myoarin |
Re: Training Babies/Infants To Eat
From: irlandes-ga on 25 Mar 2006 19:25 PST |
I have seen that approach, and only the laws against domestic violence kept my hands from the throat of the woman doing it. That was my ex-wife, and she also abused my daughter until she was old enough to hit back, and then needed therapy in the military. It does not work. Many studies show that left to themselves, the kids will take enough food of different types as their body needs it. Not left to themselves, they develop serious eating problems. |
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