Looking for STD statistics for the following cities:
San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, Atlanta, Detroit, Baltimore,
New York City, Miami, Boston, Chicago
STDs include:
* Chlamydia
* Gonorrhea
* Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
* Syphilis
* Trichomoniasis
* Genital Herpes
* Genital Warts
* Hepatitis A, B, C
* Public Lice (crabs)
Statistics required:
1. Total population with STDs
2. STD growth rate (annual for most current year possible)
* Statistics for each must be broken down by city.
* Within each city, statistic must be broken down by individual STD
* Each statistic must cite source & year of data
* Data must be from year 2000 or greater |
Request for Question Clarification by
25 Mar 2006 19:50 PST
Hello Pop10,
I have a great deal of information for you so far, but I'm not
having luck with trichomonas or pubic lice. These are not reportable,
and statistics have been unfindable so far. Will you be satisfied with
the rest of the information? What is the minimum you will accept if I
am unable to locate exact figures for PID, and genital warts?
Regards, Crabcakes
Clarification of Question by
27 Mar 2006 12:11 PST
I'll be satisfied with not having the statistics for trichomonas or
pubic lice. PID is not as important as the Warts - and will accept
any data from 1998 or later for the Genital Warts.
Request for Question Clarification by
29 Mar 2006 22:11 PST
Hello Pop10,
I wanted to let you know I've not forgotten your question. I've been
extremely busy busy, but I am working on it, and will post as soon as
I appreciate your patience.
Sincerely, Crabcakes
Request for Question Clarification by
31 Mar 2006 19:40 PST
Hello again Pop10,
I'm afraid I am unable to completely answer your question. I'm
hoping another researcher can find all the data you seek.
Regards, Crabcakes
Clarification of Question by
01 Apr 2006 10:10 PST
I am willing to acccept the statistics for only the following STDs:
* Genital Herpes
* Genital Warts
* Hepatitis A, B, C
Payment will be the same ($200) -- all statistics listed below are still necessary.
Clarification of Question by
01 Apr 2006 10:12 PST
Statistics required:
1. Total population with STDs
2. STD growth rate (annual for most current year possible)
* Statistics for each must be broken down by city.
* Within each city, statistic must be broken down by individual STD
* Each statistic must cite source & year of data
* Data must be from year 2000 or greater