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religious pronouns
Category: Relationships and Society Asked by: divi1-ga List Price: $5.00 |
24 Mar 2006 18:42 PST
Expires: 23 Apr 2006 19:42 PDT Question ID: 711658 |
why and when did we stop using capitol letters for pronouns referring to God? | |
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Re: religious pronouns
From: geof-ga on 25 Mar 2006 12:33 PST |
All grammatical rules seem to have gone by the board these days - after all, you haven't even started your question with a capital letter. That said, is there a actual rule about using capitals for the pronouns for God? I would have thought that it was just a matter of custom and practice. A believer might well wish to do so; but an atheist or agonostic might not bother, and might even write "god" with a small g. |
Re: religious pronouns
From: bozo99-ga on 26 Mar 2006 05:00 PST |
The question was about PRONOUNS which means "he", "him" etc. Now the King James of 1611 does not use capitals but some moderen translations do. The question might be better expressed as when did people start using capitalised pronouns. And if you are going to capitalise you have to decie which pronouns to do it to - not as easy as you might think. |
Re: religious pronouns
From: geof-ga on 26 Mar 2006 06:17 PST |
I know bozo99 will probably not see this, but if (s)he does, and reads my comment above a little more carefully, (s)he will see that I was quite aware that the question was about PRONOUNS, amd that my second and third sentences referred precisely to that. However, I am grateful to bozo99 for pointing out that the King James version of the Bible does not use capitals for the pronouns (though God himself does receive one); and agree that the question then arises as to when the practice began. |
Re: religious pronouns
From: answerfinder-ga on 26 Mar 2006 08:49 PST |
William Tyndale's New Testament, 1526, God is in lower case. http://www.bl.uk/onlinegallery/themes/landmarks/tyndalelge.html Shakespeare?s Henry V has, ?God quit you in his mercy. Heare your fentence.? Henry V; 1st quarto 1600; http://www.bl.uk/treasures/shakespeare/homepage.html This original document from the proceedings of the Old-Bailey of 1674 has God with a capital letter, but there are also several other words with capital letters. http://www.oldbaileyonline.org/facsimiles/1670s/16791210004.html By 1834 the number has been greatly reduced. http://www.oldbaileyonline.org/facsimiles/1830s/183409040005.html |
Re: religious pronouns
From: ansel001-ga on 26 Mar 2006 15:17 PST |
Another question is, why do we capitalize "I"? |
Re: religious pronouns
From: myoarin-ga on 27 Mar 2006 03:08 PST |
Here are some discussions of capitalization, though nothing directed at the question: http://www.domsub.info/historical.html http://ask.metafilter.com/mefi/29691 The second one rambles a bit, but the talk of usage in the 17th century let me wonder if capitalizing pronouns referring to God might have come in during that period, perhaps under the influence of religious leaders to help laymen reading religious texts (a fairly new situation) to read with appropriate emphasis. Baroque preachers probably spoke the pronouns as though they were capitalized. (much speculation) http://www.chicagotribune.com/features/lifestyle/chi-0603070361mar08,1,3467649.story?ctrack=1&cset=true And here is what The Chicago Style Manual's FAQ says: "Q. What is the proper pronoun form to use to refer to God? I was taught to capitalize the pronoun ?He? when ?God? was the antecedent. However, I checked a number of standard grammar handbooks and can?t find any information on this point. Have the rules changed? A. Chicago lowercases such pronouns, but it?s not wrong to uppercase, especially if you are writing for a religious readership or anyone else who might take lowercasing as a sign of disrespect. In matters of style, in contrast to those of grammar, there are few right or wrong answers. Different houses follow different style guides in order to make their publications consistent." As to "I", although it seems egotistical to capitalize it, I [sic] think it may be because a lower case "i" would get lost in the text. Besides, being nominative case, it usually stands at the start of a sentence anyway. |
Re: religious pronouns
From: squiffyuk-ga on 05 Apr 2006 13:20 PDT |
You seem to be assuming that we all know which god you're talking about. I suspect that the grammatical convention is that only the christian god (and pronouns relating to him, her or it) warrant a capital letter. As I'm an atheist myself, I wouldn't use them myself. |
Re: religious pronouns
From: pedant83-ga on 11 Apr 2006 07:03 PDT |
In relation to why I is capitalised, this has more to do with historical development of the language than egocentricity. In old english ic was used instead of I, over time this changed first to ich (similar to german). In middle english this were written as ych or yk and later abreviated to y or Y. On the introduction of printing this settled down as I and the precedent was set. |
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