Our media unit is looking for lists of or directories of or
assoications of public information officers in any catagory. We are
interested in those working at/for governments agencies at all levels.
We have found some federal listings and a few state listings but
nothing comprehensive. We estimate that there are between 10 and 20
thousand such individuals. |
Request for Question Clarification by
25 Mar 2006 08:44 PST
Thanks for bringing your question to Google Answers.
I have located some resources that seem to meet your needs --
associations of Public Information Officers, and some agency-specific
lists of PIOs.
However, I do not see any comprehensive directories, nationwide, of PIO's.
None of the associations make their membership lists available online,
although you may wish to contact them to see if there is a way to
contact their members (a blurb or ad in their newsletter, for
To give you a feel for the types of resources I am finding, here is a
list of PIOs from the US Small Business Administration:
and here is an association of PIOs in California:
Let me know if these are the sorts of things you're after.
If they are, I can post additional information as an answer to your question.
If they're not on target, though, please let me know a bit more detail
about what it is you're looking for.
Request for Question Clarification by
27 Mar 2006 16:20 PST
Hello again, debster-ga,
I've continued researching your question, and I'm beginning to prepare
my answer, which I hope to be able to post in a day or so.
If you'd like to offer any feedback before then, please feel free to
make use of the Clarification feature to let me know your thoughts.
Request for Question Clarification by
29 Mar 2006 16:12 PST
There are many lists out there of government public affairs officers,
but no clear-cut way to consolidate them all. They are of many
different sizes, formats and content. For example, some are simply
names and phone numbers, while others have titles, addresses, fax
numbers, and emails.
Best I could do would be to post links to the largest and most useful
of these lists, so that you'd have -- I estimate -- information on
close to 1,000 contacts.
Would that meet your needs?