Dear cob,
I have solved the mystery, thanks to your hint that your mother
originally came from Stettin. Let me explain what I found out:
I managed to get an old road atlas of the German Reich, dating from
1923. The place names in the Stettin area had not yet changed by then,
so it was what I needed.
I studied the map of Stettin and its surroundings very carefully.
While I did not find "Todejmi", I came across a village named
"Podejuch". This is, of course, resembling the term Todejmi only very
roughly. But it was the only one looking at least a bit like it, so I
continued doing research on Podejuch.
Then I remembered something very important: In rural areas of
pre-WWI-Germany, personal documents were normally filled by the
officials in handwriting, not with typewriters. And the style of
handwriting commonly used in Germany in that time was very different
from what we know today. It was called "Sütterlin", a very chiselled
kind of script which hardly anyone can read anymore these days.
So I asked my grandmother, who has still learned to write the
Sütterlin cursive in school, to write the place name "Podejuch" for me
- and I experienced quite a Surprise: The "P" looks more like a "T",
while "o" and "d" are easily cognizable. The "e" is a bit unfamiliar,
the "j" again is identifiable without any problems. "u" and "c" look
together like an "m", and the slim, stretched "h" at the end could
also be an "i" if one did not know this kind of script.
"Podejuch" looks like "Todejmi"! Obviously, someone who had to copy
the content of your mothers personal documents, was not very familiar
with German Sütterlin script and got the place of residence completely
So this is the answer to your question: Your mother came from
Podejuch, a village approximately 10 kilometers south-east of Stettin,
on the eastern shore of the Oder river.
The bad news is that Stettin belongs to Poland since 1945, together
with the area surrounding the city, including Podejuch. It might prove
a problem to get additional information there since the local archives
have most likely not survived the chaos of the last days of World War
II. However, you might want to try contacting the local authorities in
Podejuch (today Podjuchy) by first establishing contact with the town
Rada Osiedla Podjuchy
ul. Metalowa 51
70-900 Szczecin Podjuchy
Polska / Poland
Phone: (091)460 92 25
Szczecin Podjuchy
JRO-Straßenatlas Deutsches Reich, Jro-Verlag München, 1923
Polish Postal Codes, by Radek
Search terms used:
poland "zip codes":
Hope this helps!
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