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What an inner city high school teacher can do to reduce stress.
Category: Health > Men's Health Asked by: tornado2-ga List Price: $10.00 |
30 Mar 2006 07:09 PST
Expires: 29 Apr 2006 08:09 PDT Question ID: 713575 |
Besides the obvious of quitting his job, what lifestyle changes can an inner city high school teacher do destress? A good answer would list at least 7 or 8 things and give some detail about why each one would destress and how they could be practically implemented. For example, if meditation is mentioned, please include some specific practical examples of what to do, when to do it, etc. |
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Re: What an inner city high school teacher can do to reduce stress.
From: daniel2d-ga on 30 Mar 2006 22:35 PST |
The first is start an exercise regime. Run, lift weights, golf, tennis, swimming, something to exericse the body and "destress" it in the process. Start taking a multivitamin. Take some psychology courses so you can get an insight into abnormal behavior (the students) and to realize that you can only do what you can do. In other words, learn how not to internalize the stres. Take breaks during the day - perhaps read some uplifting passages or listen to music. |
Re: What an inner city high school teacher can do to reduce stress.
From: irlandes-ga on 20 Apr 2006 18:56 PDT |
Google for "eft manual" Read very carefully, the basics are available free in a download. I have not yet tried it, because at present have no real stresses, but it seems worth investigating. |
Here is the solution to my friend over the continents
From: etalhacelik-ga on 21 Apr 2006 16:16 PDT |
Try Islamic Methods 1-Ablution Ablution is to clear all body included nose holes, ear holes, mouth, Wash your all body. No part of your body will not be dry. You must wash everywhere of your body. There are two special words. Before ablution say "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim" (In The Name of Allah, Most Grateful and most Merciful.) After ablution say "Elhamdulillah" (All praises(thanks) to Allah) This will make you destress 2-Think a Good Side Think that all negative things has a good way. As we seen in example. Stress problem (negative) will help u to be a Muslim and to meet with Islam. (best positive thing) 3- Try not to watch TV more 4- Try not to surf Internet more. 5- Try not to use computer more 6- Try not to read negative news. Here is another info for you. Understanding stress Your feelings about the events in your life are very important. By understanding yourself and your reactions to stressful events, you can learn to handle stress effectively. The best place to start is by figuring out what produces stress in you, such as: major events in your life: getting married, changing jobs, moving your home, getting divorced, or coping with the death of a loved one, long-term worries: concern about your children's future, financial or economic problems, or an ongoing illness, daily hassles: traffic jams, rude people, or machines that just don't work when you want them to. The stress response When you find an event stressful, your body undergoes a series of changes, called the stress response. There are three stages to this response. They are: Stage 1 - Mobilizing Energy At first, your body releases adrenaline, your heart beats faster, and you start to breathe more quickly. Both good and bad events can start this reaction: the night before your wedding or the day you lose your job. Stage 2 - Consuming Energy Stores If, for some reason, you do not escape from the first stage, your body begins to release stored sugars and fats from its resources. At this stage, you will feel driven, pressured and tired. You may drink more coffee, smoke more, and drink more alcohol than is good for you. You may also experience anxiety, memory loss, catch colds or get the flu more often than normal. Stage 3 - Draining Energy Stores If you do not resolve your stress problems, the body's need for energy will become greater than its ability to produce it, and you will become chronically stressed. At this stage, you may experience insomnia, errors in judgement, and personality changes. You may also develop a serious sickness, such as heart disease, ulcers or mental illness. Coping with stress Because each of us is different, there is no one "correct" way to cope with stress. However, there are a number of different things that can be done, and it is helpful to look at both short and long-term solutions to reducing stress. Identify your problems. Is your job, your relationship with someone, or money worries causing you stress? Are unimportant, surface problems masking real, deeper ones? Once you are fairly sure you know what the problem is, you can do something about it. Solve your problems. Start thinking about solutions. What can you do, and what will be the consequences? Should you be looking for a less stressful job? Do you need marriage counselling? Should you talk to a financial expert about money management? What will happen if you do nothing? If you follow this problem-solving strategy, you should be able to make some changes to take the pressure off yourself. This long-term way of reducing stress in your life is something everyone, sooner or later, will need to do. Talk about your problems. You may find it helpful to talk about your stress. Friends and family members may not realize that you are having a hard time. Once they understand, they may be helpful in two ways: first, by just listening to you vent your feelings and second, by suggesting solutions to your problems. If you need to talk with someone outside your own circle of friends and relatives, your family doctor may be able to refer you to a mental health counsellor. Learn about stress management. There are many helpful books, films, videos and courses to help you cope with stress. There are also counsellors who specialize in stress; ask your family doctor for a referral to one. There may also be community college courses and stress management workshops available in your community. Reduce tension. Physical activity can be a great stress reducer. Go for a walk, take up a sport, dig in the garden, clean the house. You may find it helpful to learn some relaxation exercises. These can be as simple as deep breathing - slowing inhale through your nose until you cannot take in any more air, and then exhale through your mouth. Another simple exercise is stretching - stretch and relax each part of your body, starting from your neck and working downward; exhale as you stretch, and inhale as you release the tension. If you make a habit of taking pressure off yourself by getting rid of your tension, you will find yourself less stressed and more able to solve the problems that caused your stress in the first place. Take your mind off your problems. You may be able to get rid of stressful feelings temporarily by getting busy. If you get involved in hobbies, sports or work, you can give yourself a "mental holiday" from your stress. Not thinking about your problems for a while can give you a little mental distance from them and make them easier to solve later on. Preventing stress Once you have lowered your stress level, it is wise to look for ways to prevent excessive stress from building up again. The best way to cope with stress is to prevent it. Some good ways to do this are: Make decisions. Not making them causes worry and, therefore, stress. Avoid putting things off. Make a weekly schedule, including leisure activities as well as chores. Delegate. Get others to do tasks that they can handle so that you are not trying to do everything by yourself. Remember, it is impossible to have a completely stress-free life. Your goal should be to avoid getting to the third stage of stress where your energy stores are drained. As long as you do not get stuck in the third stage of the stress response, you will avoid becoming chronically stressed. |
Another info
From: etalhacelik-ga on 21 Apr 2006 16:18 PDT |
Everybody gets stressed from time to time. Different people feel stress in different ways. Some ways of dealing with stress - like screaming, hitting someone, or punching a wall - don't solve much. But other ways, like talking to someone you trust, can start you on the road to solving your problem or at least feeling better. Try taking these five steps the next time you are stressed. 1. Get support. When you need help, reach out to the people who care about you. Talk to a trusted adult, such as a parent, other relative, a school counselor, or a coach. And don't forget about your friends. They might be worried about the same test or have had similar problems, such as dealing with a divorce or the death of a beloved pet. 2. Don't freak out! It's easy to let your feelings go wild when you're upset. Notice your feelings. Name them - for example, "I am so angry!" And find a way to express them. Do breathing exercises, listen to music, write in a journal, play with a pet, go for a walk or a bike ride, or do whatever helps you shift to a better mood. 3. Don't take it out on yourself. Sometimes when kids are stressed and upset they take it out on themselves. Oh dear, that's not a good idea. Remember that there are always people to help you. Don't take it out on yourself. Be kind to yourself and ask for the helping hand or pat on the back that you need - and deserve - to get you through the tough situation you're facing. 4. Try to solve the problem. After you're calm and you have support from adults and friends, it's time to get down to business. You need to figure out what the problem is. Even if you can't solve all of it, maybe you can begin by solving a piece of it. 5. Be positive - most stress is temporary. It may not seem like it when you're in the middle a stressful situation, but stress does go away, often when you figure out the problem and start working on solving it. These five steps aren't magic - and you might have to do some steps more than once, but they do work. And if you can stay positive as you make your way through a tough time, you'll help yourself feel better even faster. Ah . . . it feels so good when the stress is gone! Anticipatory Strategies are the most useful techniques to use when dealing with stress as since most of stress is subjective, depending on how many resources we have available to deal with it, the more things you have on hand available, the less you'll be stressed by an event in the first place. Below you'll find some good anticipatory strategies. Releasing Stress Through Regular Activity Many people find exercise to be a wonderful release from stress - and many forms of exercise are particularly useful. These include kickboxing, martial arts and exercises which you do outdoors such as running, horse riding or rowing. These allow you to work out your anxiety through "hitting" your negative thoughts or by leaving them behind you. They also allow you to become more fit and healthy, which also contribute to reducing the perception of stress in the long run. Other useful activities which are useful for releasing stress include enjoyable social activities such as going to the cinema, going out with friends, or going shopping. Developing Your Support Network Stress research has shown that those who have well developed support networks are less likely to suffer from severe stress, and when they do they cope better. This is because they have a natural outlet for when they suffer stress. You can call your support network into action in any way but including calling them up for a chat and to put things into perspective, meeting up with them to escape from the stressful situation for a time, or even just to listen to their issues to take you away from your own stresses. While women are generally accepted to be better communicators, this does not exclude men from having good support networks. Men can meet up to do exercise and thus use two strategies at the same time: exercise and the support network. A social support network is not necessarily based on communication therefore, but can be equally effective when used as an escape. Effective Planning & Risk Management Many people suffer from stress because they have not adequately planned for the situation or have not anticipated quite how stressed they will get - and have no solutions in place to use. Remember that stress is entirely based on your own perception of the situation and that if you have plans for how you will deal with stress, your perception of the stressor will change. So what kind of plans can you make? You can perform a risk assessment on your life for the following situations: loss of job, car/train accident, financial troubles, poor health, sudden end of your relationship, flood/other problem affecting your residence, among other less serious issue such as sudden appraisal at work, unexpected arrival of difficult people etc. If you have plans available for these unexpected situations, you will feel at least partially prepared and thus will have less of a reaction if you do have to face a situation like that. You can also incorporate regular stress-relief into your life which you can do on an as-and-when-needed basis so that you know what to do when you recognise that you are becoming stressed out. These can be anything, from the simple such as learning a breathing exercise to use, or to putting a full-on stress relief plan (such as having a list of things to do including relaxation techniques, contacting people from your support network and booking time off) into action. You can also rehears events to anticipate the unexpected, so that you can plan your different responses. Meditation Meditation has grown in reputation over the last few years, especially with the integration of other Eastern practices into the Western world. There are fundamentally two different types of meditation which you can learn: frstly there is the chanting kind, where you focus on the chant or the breath, and secondly there is the blank mind kind, where you keep your mind as blank as possible, returning your mind to blankness whenever a thought intrudes. Meditation as a whole has been shown to be extremely effective in reducing stress levels, but it must be practised regularly for it to have any effect. There is nothing mystical or fundamentally weird about meditation. On the contrary, it is something that you can learn to do fairly easily by following the steps below. It may be difficult at first to keep your mind focussed, but if you practise you will get better. Set aside anywhere between 5 and 20 minutes depending on how much time you have to spare - the longer you spend, the better the results, but not everyone has much time to spare. - Sit or lie down in a quiet and comfortable place, where you will not be distracted. - Close your eyes. - Start by relaxing the muscles of your feet and work up your body relaxing muscles as you go - alternatively you can try tensing all your muscles at once and then letting them go. - Start to focus your attention on your breathing. Try to breathe from your diaphragm (this means that your belly will be going up and down rather than your chest) and in through your nose and out through your mouth. - Start counting your breaths, and when you get to 10, start again at 1. You can say the number of the breath out loud on the out-breath or in your head. Self-Hypnosis Hypnosis, in a similar way to meditation, has had an association with "fluffiness" thanks to the various stage shows, but has actually been proven to be a very effective adjunct to many therapies, and has been shown to be particularly effective with stress. Self-Hypnosis is a version whereby you actually hypnotise yourself rather than needing someone to talk you through the process or by following a tape recording. Like meditation, self-hypnosis allows you to relax your body which in turn lets the stress chemicals subside and also allows your mind to rest and not be plagued by unpleasant thoughts. While like meditation, the relaxation level you achieve with self-hypnosis is high, in self-hypnosis there is frequently the use of affirmations to manage the stress through the retraining of the mind by replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. Affirmations are positive statements which go hand in hand with visualisations to fully embed them which helps replace the stressful thoughts. To practise self-hypnosis, you firstly have to decide whether you want to incorporate affirmations into your session - you will still be able to relax deeply without them, but you have the opportunity here to multi-task. If you do decide to use them, you have to prepare them in advance. The actual process of self-hypnosis is fairly simple: - find somewhere comfortable and quiet, where you will not be disturbed - next, relax your body - one possible method to help you with this is to close your eyes and concentrate on letting any tension flow out of you with each out-breath. - Feel your muscles relax with each out-breath as all the tension flows out of you and let yourself get very deeply relaxed as you focus on releasing the tension - Next you start introducing the suggestions which are an integral part of hypnosis, such as "I am feeling deeply relaxed and comfortable, with every breath making me become more and more relaxed and comfortable". Alternatively, you can use the more traditional words such as "I am feeling very tired and sleepy. My arms and legs are very heavy and tired. With every breath I become more and more tired and sleepy". Once you have achieved the hypnotised state, you can start using the affirmations. If you have decided not to use affirmations, you can just spend time focussing on the sensations you are feeling and the relaxed state you are in. - To bring yourself out of self-hypnosis, you simply need to say to yourself, "When I count back from 10, I will become more and more awake, and when I reach 1, I will be fully alert, awake and refreshed. 10, 9, 8, waking up now, 7, 6, 5, becoming more and more awake, 4, 3, 2, 1, I am awake" (open your eyes). Try out a few of these techniques this week and see for yourself what a difference they can make when you are able to fall back on them in times of stress. |
Re: What an inner city high school teacher can do to reduce stress.
From: onenonblonde-ga on 23 Apr 2006 03:52 PDT |
All good suggestions. Pick 2 nights a week to do something other than schoolwork and expand to three if you can. Tuesday is Pizza night with friends and watch Amazing Race on tv and Thursday is laundry/ housekeeping night or whatever you enjoy and need to do. Pick 1/2 day on the weekend to address school issues, either Saturday morning (best choice cause it's over and done) or Sunday evening. Spend the rest of the weekend enriching yourself... rest, read, see exhibits, attend religious services, play sports, whatever makes you feel good. |
Re: What an inner city high school teacher can do to reduce stress.
From: timespacette-ga on 30 Apr 2006 15:55 PDT |
I have a friend who worked as an inner city school teacher in Chicago. The thing that saved his life was yoga. Find a really excellent hatha yoga teacher; shop around: there are yoga teachers, and then there are Yoga Teachers! Find one with a reputation for a complete workout and deep relaxation within each class, and one who understands what it means to 'strengthen the core'. Also look for a teacher who will teach him how to develop a home practice. If he does it even three times a week it'll make all the difference in the world. Good luck and namaste! *** |
Re: What an inner city high school teacher can do to reduce stress.
From: irlandes-ga on 15 Jun 2006 19:16 PDT |
repeat my mention of eft manual. My son is in medical school, and suffers from social anxiety disorder. EFT promises major help, not three nights a week, but in a few minutes, period. My son has tried it, so has a fellow student, in times of stress, and in a few minutes, they are totally relaxed. Do what you wish, but for efficiency, eft beats the other suggestions hands down, and in only a few minutes. www.emofree.com and manual download is free, videos available for $60 if you can't do it from manual -- my son and friend did. |
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