This site is technically legal, but using the site for new movies or
top 40 music won't be. The site works like this:
Today, there are 240 million users trading on legal file-sharing
networks. Sharing is not illegal as long as you obey all relevant
copyright laws. using P2P programs to download and distribute copy
righted music, movies and games without permission is illegal.
Purchasing a membership does not give you license to download and
distribute copyrighted material.
They does not condone piracy or breaking copyright laws. The sharing
tools available through their members area are powerful search tools &
they recommend that you use your discretion when downloading files.
Original works of authorship, including literary, dramatic, musical,
artistic, and certain intellectual compositions are protected by
copyright law. If a person publicly performs, reproduces, distributes
copies, or displays works without consent of the copyright owner could
be in violation of the law. Go to and
learn more about U.S. copyright law. Purchasing a membership at does not give you license to download or
upload copyright material. implores you to
respect copyright laws and share responsibly.
How can you stay legal?
Stay legal and avoid breaking the law. Quick steps to stay legal:
1. Make sure there are no potentially infringing files in your
shared folders - meaning only files that are in the public domain, for
which you have permission to share or are available under pro-sharing
2. Disable the "sharing" or "uploading" features on your search
program to prevent other users on the network from getting copies of
files on your computer. Companies are focused on finding people who
share thousands of files on their computers with the rest of the
community. If you don't share - you reduce the risk. |