The song is "The Fear You Won't Fall," by Joshua Radin.
A portion of the lyrics:
And I hate the phone,
But I wish you'd call,
Thought being alone,
Was better than,
Was better than,
And I know it's easy to say,
But it's harder to feel this way,
I miss you more than I should,
Than I thought I could,
Can't get my mind off of you...
You can read the complete lyrics on this page (scroll down the page to
a post made on 3/12/2006):
MySpace: RunFromShadows
Joshua Radin has his own MySpace page:
MySpace: Joshua Radin
"The Fear You Won't Fall" (and many other Joshua Radin songs) can be
downloaded from iTunes. I believe this song will also be on Joshua's
new CD, "We Were Here," which is scheduled for release in June 2006.
My Google search strategy:
Google Web Search: "joshua radin" "fear you won't fall"
I hope this helps! If anything is unclear or incomplete, please
request clarification; I'll be glad to offer further assistance before
you rate my answer.
Best regards,
pinkfreud |