The copyright protection just means that you cannot use the plans,
etc., to build or let someone else build by using them. This has
nothing to do with your question about possible dissatisfaction,
either with the planning/design or eventual construction managed by
the architect. The contract passage is not unusual.
There is a similar one near the end of this a model contract, which is
perhaps more extensive than yours.
What comes across is that the architect's work is submitted for review
and approval by the client/owner, with many references to negotiation.
With a custom design, the contract is just the starting point, the
owner must keep involved to be sure that he understands and agrees to
what is proposed. Some folks just have difficulty envisioning what a
architectural plan will look like when constructed. And some
architects are not so amenable to suggestions and questions.
IF you have signed the contract, you are bound by it. PERHAPS, if at
an early stage you want to back out, a lower fee might be negotiated
or settled in arbitration.
This is a free comment, not an "answer" to your question, which only a
G-A Researcher with a blue name can post. And, of course, as the
disclaimer below states, this is no legal or professional advice.
If my comment suggests further questions, please post a Clarification. |