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Microvault Inc.
Category: Business and Money > eCommerce Asked by: mint3789-ga List Price: $15.00 |
04 Apr 2006 10:09 PDT
Expires: 04 May 2006 10:09 PDT Question ID: 715372 |
That was the right company. Should I do business with this company? |
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Re: Microvault Inc.
Answered By: scriptor-ga on 04 Apr 2006 10:57 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Dear mint3789, I assume that you are referring to this earlier question: http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=715234 The brief answer is: I recommend that you don't do any business with that company. Evidence suggests they are a scam, for the following reasons: - For a British company, the legal form "Inc." is incorrect. If they were an actual registered UK company, their legal form would be Plc. or Ltd. - There is only one company of the name Microvault Limited listed in the database of registered UK companies. However, neither are they located in Manchester, nor have they been founded in the year 2000. Nothing suggests that they have anything at all in common with Microvault Inc. - At ECplaza, another business-to-business marketplace website, Mircovault Inc. appears with the same range of products and with Tony Raymore as their representative, too - but now they are suddenly a US company, located in Bloomington, Illinois: http://member.ecplaza.net/asp/directory/profile.asp?did=80441&mid=tonymore Of course, there is no Microvault Inc. registered in the state of Illinois. - Apart from the address of the obviously fraudulent company Microvault Inc., I did not find any evidence that there is a building named "IFS House" in Manchester (that's what the abbreviation MCR in the address stands for). - The alleged UK address, with the exception of the "IFS House" part, AND the alleged US address have BOTH been copied from two branches of eXpansys: http://www.mobileplanet.com/company.asp http://www.expansys.com/company.asp - I did not find a website for Microvault Inc. anywhere. It is hard to believe that a "company" that claims to exist since six years now has not yet managed to get a website of their own and has instead to rely on business-to-business marketplaces like EC21. The fact that they registered with EC21 only recently, on 19 January 2006, makes one wonder how they did business in all the years before - I did not find other marks of them on the Web. Actually, this fake company is certainly not older than their registration with EC21. All these shady lies and obvious attempts of deception show clearly that Microvault Inc. is a scam. I recommend to avoid any kind of contact with them. Regards, Scriptor Sources: Companies House: Registered UK Companies http://www.companieshouse.gov.uk/WebCHeck/fastrack/ Illinois Secretary of State: Registered Companies http://cdsprod.ilsos.net/CorpSearchWeb/corpsrch.html |
rated this answer:![]() Excellent feedback,the guy is still emailing me though.Thank you again for your thorough answer |
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Re: Microvault Inc.
From: bookreader-ga on 25 May 2006 22:13 PDT |
I recently did a transaction with Tony Raymore through paypal. Weird thing is that he had a secretary to handle payment using secretary's Paypal account. Initially, we contact through email, he was polite and responsive, and agreed to accept my order for 5 ipod video as sample, for total $1120. After received my payment through his secretary's paypal account, he even send me UPS tracking label. But I never receive delivery. He explained that there are some payment issue with paypal. After argue a couple of time thru email, he agreed to refund me. Even stranger thing is that his secretary is located in another location city of Cal, she claimed she never know TOny personally, and she never knew I did not receive delivery. She is just hired by Tony for receiving paypment thru her paypal account, and sending money to supplier. So we both realized that we are all scammed by Tony Raymore. Tony used her identity to take the risk of paypal tracking. So who is Tony Raymore, we dont know. He is witty, he hires other people to do paypal, he is never verified. Be aware, his UPS tracking label is a trick, .. still very strange ,his sending address is not IL, not UK, this time is NY From: TONY RAYMORE WIFIGAMES LIMITED 128 FORD STREET If you go to ecplaza.net, search for WIFIGAMES, ha ha.. You find that same picture, a pile of XBOX 360 .... Of course, I filed paypal claim against him, actually his secretory, who seems like another victim. TROY, NY 12180 |
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