Hello duxlunaire-ga,
This turned into a very interesting search on a subject that I knew
nothing about. My Hungarian language skills definitely helped to find
you the information you need.
The short answer is that György Ligeti?s Le Grand Macabre (A Nagy
Kaszás) that was presented at the 1998 Budapest Fall Festival at the
Thalia Theater was translated into Hungarian by Kovalik Balázs, the
director of the production.
My research led me to lots of additional information about this very
modern opera. The libretto was based on the play Ballade de Grand
Macabre by the Belgian playwright Michel de Ghelderode. The opera was
commissioned by the Royal Opera of Stockholm and premiered there in
1978. Ligeti?s original German libretto was translated into Swedish
for the premier following Ligeti?s request that the opera should
always be performed in the language of the audience. It has since been
translated into other languages. It had its English premier in the
United States in San Francisco in 2004.
I?ve included the links that expand on this information to help you
continue your own explorations. I?ve translated the essential elements
of the Hungarian pages which show that the opera was presented in
Hungarian in Budapest.
~ czh ~
Új Forrás - 1998. 10.sz.
A végtelenül tehetséges rendez?, Kovalik Balázs ötletet ötletre
halmozva (de némelykor túlhabosítva) vitte színre Ligeti m?vét (a
szöveget Michael de Ghelderoda alapján maga a zeneszerz? és Michael
Meschke írta, s a rendez? fordította).
***** Translation: The endlessly talented director, Kovalik Balázs ?
(the libretto, based on the work of Michael de Ghelderoda, was
written by the composed and Michael Mescke, and translated by the
Magyar Narancs [Hungary] -- Kulturalis hirek
Ligeti ***Vilagpremierje utan 21 evvel, Kovalik Balazs Magyar
szovegevel es rendezeseben, az angol Jonathan Nott vezenyletevel
mutatta be az Operahaz tarsulata a Thalia Szinhazban a Nemetorszagban
elo Ligeti Gyorgy operajat, a Le Grand Macabre***-t.
***** Translation: Ligeti *** 21 years after its world premier, with
Kovalik Balazs?s Hungarian text and direction and the English Jonathan
Nott?s conducting, the Operahouse company of the Thalia Theater
presented German-resident György Ligeti?s opera, Le Grand Macabre.
Saját hangja, vigye haza. A mikrofon el?tt Vajda Gergely karmester
1998 októberében a Budapesti ?szi Fesztivál és a Magyar Állami
Operaház közös produkciójaként bemutatásra kerül? Ligeti György: A
Nagy Kaszás cím? operájának (magyar nyelv? verzió)
assisztens-karmestere és betanítója.
***** Translation: ? (Hungarian language version) ?
2003. március 17.
Ha szomjazunk, akkor mi élünk... (Életrajz-tár)
Ligeti György Kossuth-díja
A hontalanság, a világ zavarodottsága, az új m?vészet értékválsága
metaforikusan jelenik meg máig egyetlen operájában, a Le Grand
Macabre-ban, amelynek ?sbemutatóját 1978-ban a stockholmi Királyi
Operában tartották
Ha szomjazunk, akkor mi élünk - éneklik a Macabre szerepl?i.
Szomjaztuk a találkozást a m?vel, amely húsz év késéssel, 1978-ban
érkezett meg Magyarországra. A haláltánc zenés vízióját 1998-ban a
Budapesti ?szi Fesztiválon mutatta be - Kovalik Balázs fordításában és
rendezésében - a Magyar Állami Operaház, a Thália Színházban.
***** Translation: ? Translated and directed by Kovalik Balázs ?
Az 1998-as ?szi Fesztivál (www.festivalcity.hu/bof) keretében került
megrendezésre Ligeti György 'Le Grand Macabre' cím? operája, melyhez
különleges kivitel? m?sorfüzetet terveztünk. Kovalik Balázzsal, az
el?adás rendez?jével azóta is rendszeresen dolgozunk együtt (Magyar
Állami Operaház: Turandot, Peter Grimes, A kékszakállú herceg vára,
Vérnász, A csavar fordul egyet).
Thália Színház
György Ligeti
Ligeti, György
Ligeti György
> Diskographie
> CDs bei Wergo
Le Grand Macabre
November 2, 2004
OPERA REVIEW; Buffoons in the Bureaucracy and Death on the Doorstep
The original German libretto was translated into Swedish for the
premiere, and Mr. Ligeti has requested that the work always be
performed in the language of the audience. (This production uses an
English translation by Geoffrey Skelton.) It is essential for the
audience to follow the libretto, because the opera includes a lot of
talking, though not as much as it originally did. Mr. Ligeti, feeling
that there was too much shouting in the opera, cut dialogue and added
music, finally settling on the 1996 version presented here.
Gyorgy Ligeti -- Illusions and Allusions
Interview by Herman Sabbe, 23 October, 1978
Translated into French and authorized by the composer on 4 February, 1979
First published in Interface, Vol. 8, 1979, pg. 11-34
Translated into English by Josh Ronsen, February-March, 2003 (pages
32-34 by Juliette Redl)
In April 1977, Ligeti finished the score to Le Grand Macabre, an opera
in two acts and four scenes based on the play Ballade de Grand Macabre
(1934) by Michel de Ghelderode. The work premiered at the Royal Opera
of Stockholm, who had commissioned the work. After this, it had its
German premiere, in the German language, at the State Opera of
Hamburg, in October, 1978, and recently, the Italian premiere, in
Italian, in Bologna. [in 1996, Ligeti greatly revised the opera and
produced an English version, which is available on CD. -J.R.]
GYORGY LIGETI "LE GRAND MACABRE" (The Ligeti Edition volume 8)
A masterpiece of modern opera Le Grand Macabre is an apocalyptic farce
of Brechtian proportions. Originally composed in 1977 for a German
libretto Ligeti has reworked and tightened the score to include less
spoken passages and a more muscular musical score for, this
performance at least, the English language.
Michel de Ghelderode (1898-1962), the celebrated Belgian dramatist,
writer and journalist was born Adémar-Adolphe-Louis Martens in
Ixelles, Brussels on 3 April 1898. Although his parents were Flemish,
he was educated in French.
Le Grand Macabre 1998 ligeti Balazs Kovalik
Budapesti ?szi Fesztivál 1998 ligeti
"Vajda Gergely" ligeti 1998
site:.hu "Le Grand Macabre" Kovalik Balázs
Le Grand Macabre Thalia Theatre budapest performance 1998
Ligeti opera Le Grand Macabre libretto 1998 budapest production |