Hello doctoralstudent,
This is most likely the reference you want. Because it is a book
chapter rather than a journal article, it is unlikely to be indexed in
a bibliographical database.
Kirkpatrick, L. A., & Ellis, B. J. (2001). An evolutionary approach to
self-esteem: Multiple domains and multiple functions. In M. Clark & G.
Fletcher (Eds.), The Blackwell handbook of social psychology, Vol. 2:
Interpersonal Processes (pp. 411-436). Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
If you want to contact either of the authors, they have web pages with
contact details:
http://faculty.wm.edu/lakirk/ for Lee A. Kirkpatrick
http://www.psyc.canterbury.ac.nz/exp/bruceellis/publish.html for Bruce
Blackwell Publishers have information about the book at:
The book is available from Amazon.com, but it is not cheap!
Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology: Interpersonal Processes
(Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology)
by Garth J. O. Fletcher (Editor), Margaret S. Clark (Editor)
Hardcover: 640 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 2.08 x 9.99 x 7.10
Publisher: Blackwell Publishers; ISBN: 0631212280; (January 2001)
However, a paperback edition is supposed to appear this month, and
will cost $39.95
Blackwell Publishers; ISBN: 0631212299; (October 2002)
Do try asking the library at your institution. They might already
have the book, or might be able to get it for you on interlibrary
Hope this helps
Search strategy on Google: Kirkpatrick Ellis self-esteem
://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&safe=off&q=Kirkpatrick+Ellis+self-esteem |