Hi catmanjim,
To contact Alejandro Julian Nuñez directly see the address below:
"Alejandro Julián
Address. Ignacio Ramírez No. 93
Phone Number. 38-25-74-64
Fax. 38-25-74-64
City. Guadalajara, Jalisco
Zip Code. 44600
Manager Sr. Alejandro Julián Nuñez
Products Hand-embroidered cotton contemporary clothes
Exports to Italy, Japan, Argentina and U.S.A."
To contact the shop that carries the clothes of Alejandro Julian Nuñez
see the address below:
"Mango's is the only shop in Playa del Carmen to carry the line of
Alejandro Julian Nuñez, a famous Mexico City designer."
"Boutique Mango
Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Address 5th Avenue (Quinta Avenida)
between 6th and 8th Streets
downstairs from Hotel Lunata
Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo
Mexico 77710
Telephone 984 87 31240
(dial 011 52 before the number from the US and Canada)
E-Mail mango@playadelcarmen.com"
Thank you for the question.
Best regards
Search strategy:
"Alejandro Julian Nunez "
://www.google.com/search?hl=pt&ie=ISO-8859-1&as_qdr=all&q=+%22Alejandro+Julian+Nunez+%22&btnG=Pesquisa+Google&lr= |