Our company has conducted an employee satisfaction survey. We would
like to compare both our methods and our results to those of other
surveys conducted in the industry. We are a Canadian market research
consulting firm. In particular, I would like information on scales
used (Likert 1-5? 1-10? other); comparison measures used (Topbox(i.e.,
scores of 5 on a 1-5 scale)? Top2(i.e., scores of 4 or 5 on a 1-5
scale)?); company sizes & respondent bases; frequency of surveying
within companies (bi-annually? annually?); and any other related
findings. I would especially like to be directed to any actual
results (benchmarks) against which we might compare our own results,
even if this is simply aggregate industry data (free or affordable).
Of course, all of this information should be related to the market
research consulting industry, in a Canadian context if possible, but
US data is also fine. Starting price: $20 (price may rise with
excellent research). Thank you. |