You may want to check ensure you have enabled the screensaver, with
options available under "Display Properties".
To access "Display Properties", click Start>Control Panel>Appearance
and Themes and find "Display" under the "or Pick a Control Panel Icon"
heading. You can also right click on any blank portion of your
desktop background (with no windows open), and click the "Properties"
Upon opening the "Display Properties", you will want to click on the
"Screen Saver" tab. Pick a screensaver from the drop-down list.
Ensure that the "Wait ___ minutes" has a value that isn't too high.
For the purposes of this comment, try setting it to "1" minute to find
out if the screensaver will activate. Also, for these purposes,
ensure that the "On resume, display Welcome Screen" box is NOT
Click "Apply", and then "OK". Wait 1 minute, (or however long you set
the "Wait" time to), and see if the screensaver engages. If it does,
then your problem has been solved. If it does not engage, read on.
If your screensaver did not engage when you tried the above
techniques, the following are almost sure to help answer your problem.
Return to the "Screen Saver" tab in "Display Properties". Under the
"Power" heading ( still in the "Screen Saver" tab), click "Power...".
A new window should open.
Under the "Power Schemes" tab, ignore the "Power Schemes" section.
Instead, look down to the settings with the multiple dropdown menus.
Find the "Turn off monitor" dropdown menu, and select "After 1 Hour".
Click "Apply", and then "OK". Now back to the "Screen Saver" tab in
"Display Properties", click "Apply", and then "OK".
Wait another minute for your screensaver to engage, and if it does,
congratulations! If it doesn't, please clarify your question here by
leaving a normal "Comment" on this page, your own question page. If I
can, I will try to help you further.
oberholtzer |