OK. I give up. Time to turn it over to the experts.
At some time during the '80s (maybe even as late as '92); Pat
Robertson was invited, or seriously considered, to become a member of
the Republican Party Platform Committee. Immediately thereafter
(within a few days)there was such a hue and cry from the public and
the Party about the propriety of such a move that he "resigned" or
"politely refused" or was "asked to withdraw himself" or something
comparable. Anyway, it didn't happen.
I feel like I've got a good memory for such things, and I have a
pretty clear memory of this particular incident, which passed quickly
from the news, but I cannot seem to find any factual information,
days, dates, times, circumstances, etc. Some reliable source, in
I'm only sorta sure it was in preparation for the 1988 election, but
on that I could be wrong.
Any help?
Henry Rosack |