The body in charge of private school licensing is called the Hawaii
Council of Private Schools.
After Hawaii's department of education gave up jurisdiction over
private schools, "the Hawaii Association of Independent Schools
organized an independent agency called the Hawaii Council of Private
Schools to perform the regulatory functions and assume the
responsibilities of the Department of Education for the licensing of
private schools."
The Department of Education has formally recognized the Hawaii
Council of Private Schools as the agency responsible for the licensing
of all private schools and the Department of Education will recognize
work done at schools licensed by the Hawaii Council of Private Schools
as substantially equal to work done in Hawaii's public schools;"
Source: Hawaii Legislature
Also see a brief explanation of this issue from the U.S. Department of
For more information, about the Hawaii Council of Private Schools,
visit their web page at hais.org:
The individual in charge of the private school licensing procedure is:
Myrna Medeiros
Phone: (808) 973-1534
E-mail: myrnam@hais.org
The mailing address is:
Hawaii Council of Private Schools/
Hawaii Association of Independent Schools
Ala Moana Pacific Center
1585 Kapiolani Blvd., Suite 1212
Honolulu, Hawaii 96814
I called Ms. Medeiros and she indicated that the licensing procedure
is rather complicated and involves completion of a series of forms. If
you call her at(808) 973-1534, she will mail you an information packet
and application forms.
search strategy: licensed private schools, hawaii
I hope this helps. |