Dear frasermayfield-ga,
Your $5 is not enough for a researcher to conduct a full check on this
web site, but I think these simple examples should be enough to give
you some information on which to make a decision.
The site gives the copyright dates of 2002-2006, and on one page
states it was founded in 2001, and yet the domain name was only
registered on 13 march 2006 for one year. This is very suspicious.
The site states the company is in Rome and confusingly states is it
also registered off-shore - but does not state where. Why not? Why is
the domain name registrant apparently in the US?
They ask for payment by Western Union. This payment would be
untraceable if something went wrong. It is often used by fraudsters.
The phrase "Even if we have our offices in Rome, Italy our company is
registered in an" on a Google search appears on a number of sites,
either on chat forums regarding scams or cache versions of very
similar web sites selling goods which were clearly frauds and have now
closed down.
Personally, I wouldn?t go near this site.
I hope this answers your question. If it does not, or the answer is
unclear, then please ask for clarification of this research before
rating the answer. I shall respond to the clarification request as
soon as I receive it.
Thank you
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