Hello again deeper-ga,
I did some more research and I?ve come up with a broader range of
website feedback pages.
Here are the top ten that stand out. My listing is not in any
particular order. It simply represents a selection of feedback
websites that are well designed, functional, useful, attractive and
interesting. I?ll let you do the ranking.
Web Page Design for Designers
This website has a very simple and clean design. It states what will
happen with the feedback and has a sense of humor. The basic style of
name, e-mail address and comment box is one of the most basic
approaches to feedback pages. This page demonstrates the essence of
this format.
OpinionLab offers a product for getting feedback on every page of a
website. It?s own website models how this is done. Clicking on the
rotating +/- sign in the lower right hand corner on each page pops up
a scale for rating the page and offers a link to open a comment box.
The Science Museum of Minnesota
Your feedback will help us improve this website
"A big part of the Science Buzz project here at the Science Museum is
about promoting our community's voice. That means we want to hear what
you think. Most of the stories in the Buzz Blog and Ask a Scientist
sections allow you to post your ideas and questions.
This site offers an opportunity for the site visitors to get involved
and contribute to the content of the site. The use of the blog for
giving feedback and asking questions is excellent.
Tag this product (What's this?)
Customer Reviews
Customer Discussions Beta (what's this?) Help
This product's forum
Ask questions. Share opinions. Gain insight.
Start discussion.
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Suggestion Box
Your comments can help make our site better for everyone. If you've
found something incorrect, broken, or frustrating on this page, let us
know so that we can improve it. Please note that we are unable to
respond directly to suggestions made via this form.
This is a link to demonstrate Amazon?s product pages. Every product
page offers an interactive experience for the customer with lots of
opportunities to comment and give feedback. The Suggestion Box invites
detailed feedback about the working of the page and the website.
The Editors Discuss Site Policies, Design and Goals
New ways to contact Post staff members
We've made a change to our articles that makes it easy for you to
contact Washington Post reporters. Now, each new story written by a
Washington Post reporter features a link to contact that reporter.
Just click on the reporter's name in the byline to access the writer's
contact form. Here's an example.
E-mail Guy Gugliotta
Thanks in advance for taking the time to send us feedback.
This is an interesting application for getting comments on the online
content from a news site. This approach could be implemented by all
news organizations to get instant ?letters to the editor? or to
encourage feedback to specific writers.
What do you think?
Mediabuddies is your club. We want your views - good or bad - so that
we can give you what you want. Please take a few moments to answer
these questions and help us to do so.
This site is a good example of standardized surveys that ask for
feedback. This is a very popular approach and it?s very easy to find
lots of examples. Some of them use radio buttons and multi-point
scales. Some offer statements to be ranked or chosen. Some have
free-form comment boxes. Here?s a colorful example.
SDN's Dental School Interview Feedback
10-point scale with radio buttons and color
O&A Show - Live Feedback Form
Want to send a message to the guys in the studio? Enter it here!
or send your message via cellphone to:
(this email works for cell phone messaging only!)
This site asks for live feedback about a radio show. This capability
could be applied to getting feedback about anything, including the
quality of the website.
WebSurveyor Corporation
I ran across an article about this company and when I clicked on the
link I got this pop up box:
Website Feedback Survey
Survey Invitation
We are conducting research on why people come to our site from Search
Engines. You have been randomly selected to take a brief, anonymous
Will you take the survey now?
Yes No
The survey is looking for information about customers who reach the
site from a search engine referral but the underlying goal is to
evaluate the effectiveness of the website.
This site offers a variety of tools for webmasters. The Website
Feedback link in the left navigation column pops open a small window
with a form asking for your e-mail and question/problem. Very simple
and clean.
know-how exchange -- Website Critique
Although not strictly within the parameters of your original question,
this site helps to introduce a more human element. This is a forum
where you can ask fellow members to review your website. If you don?t
want to ask for a review, you can browse current open questions or
questions that have closed to learn more about effectiveness of a
variety of websites.
To comment on this Web page or report an error, please send feedback
to the Space Studies Board.
This is a very common approach for encouraging feedback. The link pops
open an e-mail message input form that permits completely free-form
and undirected comments and feedback.
Webpage Feedback Form
This page allows you to give us feedback about our web site. Please
include any suggestions you may have. If you would like to comment
about our services, please visit our Services Feedback page.
This is a plain vanilla page that asks for explicit feedback on
several topics. It combines radio buttons and open text input boxes.
Naval Medical Center, Portsmouth VA
We welcome your comments. In order for us to provide the service you
deserve, your comments are vital to our mission. Please take a moment
to use the following forms to let us know how we are performing.
Web Site Feedback Form
This is a website that combines giving feedback to several
organizations on various topics in one form.
Feedback Form Generator
Using Movable Type to gather feedback online
For some time I've been thinking of hacking a Movable Type blog to
drive an online contact form for our upcoming new corporate site.
This is an interesting article that discusses how to implement blogs
as a method of collecting website feedback.
Getting User Feedback On Documentation
A few weeks ago we added what I think is a pretty cool feature to some
of the PDFs that we've been uploading to the enterprise developer
centers. We've created a PDF form using LiveCycle Designer to allow
users to give us feedback on the PDF document that they're reading.
Vendor List by Sector
Following is a list of suite, Web content management, enterprise
search/categorization, personalization and behavioral marketing, Web
analytics, and blog analytics vendors.
The web analytics companies listed here might be of interest to you
for continuing your explorations of website feedback techniques and
NOAA Web Site Customer Satisfaction Survey
Website Feedback Template
"Comment on this Web page"
website feedback
webpage feedback form
elegant OR easy to use OR sexy OR useful OR good OR best ?feedback form?
elegance, ease of use, functionality, sexy,
blogs feedback form
blogs "feedback form"
how to improve website feedback
best practices website feedback
website feedback analytics |