I am interested in gathering reliable evidence that pay per view adult
films are becoming less popular in the hotel/motel industry. |
Request for Question Clarification by
12 Apr 2006 14:07 PDT
I did not find evidence that that pay per view adult films are
becoming less popular in the Hotel industry.
The revenue figures I found demonstrate that pay per view adult films
in the hotel/motel industry have increased approximately 150% in the
last 5 years.
Some hotels say their guests demand erotic viewing options, and to
drop them would cause not only a plunge in pay-per-view revenues, but
also a decline in customer loyalty.
Would any of this information be of any use to you?
Clarification of Question by
18 Apr 2006 06:44 PDT
Sorry for the slow response. I didn't see the email indicating
activity on this question. I should have specified my time horizon.
It is very short term- like the last 3 months versus the comparable 3
month period a year ago. My thesis is that the proliferation of
laptops, and DVDs and availability of porn on internet and cell phones
as well as the racier content of regular cable would have drawn demand
away from traditional adult pay per view.
I am looking for reliable proof or anecdotes that I am right,
declining purchases or declining prices.
Request for Question Clarification by
19 Apr 2006 18:54 PDT
Unfortunately I was not able to locate the type of information you
require. The question is still open and hopefully another researcher
will be able to provide you with the precise answer you want.
Best regards,
Request for Question Clarification by
24 Apr 2006 03:24 PDT
Hello infopros-ga,
My research shows that the biggest recent news in the online adult pay
per view industry is the recent announcement by several producers of
adult movies that they will sell movies that viewers can download and
burn to DVD so they can watch it on their TVs. It is not clear whether
this new service will have an impact on the hotel pay per view
Is this what you had in mind? Will a report on this new development
meet your needs?
I look forward to your clarification.
~ czh ~