At the following URL, you will find an Excel file with a list of over
1,400 Community Colleges. This listing includes Name, Address, City,
State, Zip Code and Telephone Number where available.
Download here:
This file, which is available for you to save and download, will
remain on the server for a limited period, so please download it as
soon as possible.
The source of this information is the National Center for Education Statistics
Click Guest Level
Click on usage agreement
Click on link to access the Dataset Cutting Tool.
Click on link ?Download data files?
On the next page choose 2004 and ?Display All? and click on ?GET?
Download the file: HD2004_STATA
Download dictionary for explanation
This file contains a listing of over 6900 Universities, Colleges, and
Institutes ; therefore it was necessary to clean up the list to
provide you with a listing of Community Colleges.
I hope the information provided is helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |