Dear 1tim-ga,
I believe I have found the company for you but I cannot call it to
confirm as I am based in the UK.
I believe it to be the American Lighting Industry Inc. now based in
Riverside, California.
American Lighting Industry Inc.
909 328 8038
Fax 909 928 8099
Their web site has a facility to search for parts, but it is currently
not functioning.
This entry appears on an out-of-date business directory and supplies
an address in Commerce.
American Lighting
6505 B Gayhart Street
Commerce, CA 90040
Phone: (323) 888-6000
Fax: (323) 889-7763
This address, however, is now occupied by Noralighting which moved to
the premises in February 2001. I suspect they purchased it from
American Lighting Industry Inc. but cannot prove it. The internet
archive database does not assist.
?Nora Lighting moved to its 150,000 square feet facility located in
the City of Commerce in February 2001.?
6505 Gayhart St.
Commerce, CA 90040
Tel: 800.686.6672
Fax: 800.500.9955
I hope this answers your question. If it does not, or the answer is
unclear, then please ask for clarification of this research before
rating the answer. I shall respond to the clarification request as
soon as I receive it.
Thank you
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