Hello Bobbell,
I have collected numerous core services that perform flow cytometry
for stem cell puroses. They are in no particular order, posted as I
located them.
Duke University Medical Center
Flow Cytometry Lab
ANAND S. LAGOO, MD, PhD, Director Flow Cytometry Laboratory
DUMC 3712, Durham, NC 27710, Send consultative material to: Attention
Carol Tate, M255 Davison Building, Durham, NC 27710
Appointment Telephone:
(919) 684-2486
Office Telephone:
(919) 668-0921
Fax Telephone:
(919) 681-7634
Shared Resources at Duke
Michael Cook, PhD
University of North Carolina
Transfusion Medicine Service
(919) 966-4011
McLendon Clinical Laboratories
University of North Carolina Hospitals
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Medical Director: Mark Brecher, MD
Associate Medical Director: Nicholas Bandarenko, MD
Attending Physician: Myra Collins, MD, PhD
Assistant Administrative Director: Laura McClannan, MS, MT(ASCP)SBB
Location: 1021 East Wing
The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
1515 Holcombe Blvd, Houston, TX 77030
1-800-392-1611 (USA) / 1-713-792-6161
Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI) and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
The Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI) and Beth Israel Deaconess
Medical Center (BIDMC) have made Flow Cytometry services available to
HSCI Principal and Affiliated Faculty. Under the direction of John
Tigges, Core Facility Manager, this service is managed by a full-time
experienced technician, and HSCI Faculty will have priority and
reduced pricing for the use of the BD FACSAria. The Laboratory is
located in the BIDMC at 330 Brookline Avenue in Longwood.
For more information and for the registration form, please contact John Tigges.
John Tigges
Core Facility Manager
Flow Cytometry
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
330 Brookline Avenue
Boston, MA 02215
Phone: 617-667-4901 or 617-975-5536
Flow cytometry
Provides state-of-the-art cytometric capabilities to the DFCI
scientific staff; equipment consists of six flow cytometers and
associated computer systems and software, and a Nikon Diaphot 300
microscope outfitted with an IP Lab and Adobe image analysis system.
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
44 Binney Street
Boston, MA 02115
For directions and more, see the Visitor's Guide
Telephone Numbers:
? The Dana-Farber General Number: (866) 408-DFCI (3324)
? To Make an Appointment (adult): (866) 408-DFCI (3324)
? To Make an Appointment (pediatric): (888) PEDI-ONC (733-4662)
? For Gift/Event Info: (800) 52-JIMMY (54669)
? Page Operator: (617) 632-3352
? Financial Information: (617) 632-3455
? Social Work: (617) 632-3301
? For Directions to Dana-Farber: (617) 632-3400
? Inquiries in Spanish: (617) 632-3673
? All Other Languages: (617) 632-6366
? TDD (for deaf persons): (617) 632-5330
Puget Sound Blood Center
? Phone: 206-292-6500
? 921 Terry Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
The Northwest Tissue Center's Stem Cell Processing Laboratory is where
stem cells are evaluated for engraftment potential and cryopreserved.
A NTC Stem Cell technologist assays the stem cells by flow cytometry
following standards recommended by the International Society for
Hematotherapy and Graft Engineering (ISHAGE). CD34 test results are
usually available within three hours after stem cell collection.
Contact Information and locations
University of California, Irvine
UC Irvine Stem Cell Research Center
University Research Park
101 Theory, Suite 150
Irvine, CA 92617-1705
Phone: (949) 824-2911
Fax: (949) 824-0264
Cell sorting and flow cytometry with indirect fluorescence using antibody markers.
Waisman Center
Waisman Center ~ 1500 Highland Avenue ~ Madison, WI 53705 -2280
Telephone: (608) 263-5776 or (608) 263-1656 or (608) 263-5910 ~ TDD:
(608) 263-0802
FAX: (608) 263-0529 ~ webmaster@waisman.wisc.edu ~ www.waisman.wisc.edu
The CMN core has responded to a growing demand for services and
specialized equipment needed to conduct studies on human and animal
tissues at the cellular and molecular level. Trained specialists will
apply the advanced techniques involving confocal and fluorescent
microscopy, flow cytometry, real-time PCR, phosphoimaging and viral
vector related services.
Flow Cytometry:
The Becton Dickinson Biosciences Fascalibur is a four color flow
cytometer can maximize the data from application of small samples.
Others applications involve the analysis of bacteria, DNA, stem cells,
leukemia samples, cytokine analysis and BD cytometric bead arrays. The
unit can only perform analysis from a single tube not from a auto
sampler or 96 well format. Sorting is not available on this unit.
DNA analysis software as well as FLO JO and Cell Quest Pro are
available. The Mac computer is equipped with a USB flash drive, zip
drive and a CD burner for saving and transporting data. This
instrument is located at the Waisman Center in room T 625.
Tulane University
Flow Cytometry Core. Our Flow Cytometry Core lab is equipped with the
most advanced instruments available on the market today. We have a
Becton-Dickinson FACSVantage SE cell sorter with 3 lasers plus most of
the options offered for this model including TURBO-MACRO sort and
Clone-cyte cell deposition hardware. We have also recently added a
Beckman-Coulter benchtop phenotyper to help handle our increasing use
of this technology. The core is operated and administered by Alan
Tucker (504-988-7741), and is offered to outside investigators when
time is available.
Microarray Core. Justin Manges (504-988-7063) and Joni Ylostolo
(504-988-7071) have an operational Affymetrix microarray instrument
for assays of mRNAs. They have already produced some very exciting
results with it. They would like investigators to bring their samples
of cells to him so that they would carry out the extraction of the RNA
and the labeling. They would then provide the data. We think the
Affymetrix instrument has an advantage over competing instruments
because it uses specifically designed oligonucleotides instead of
cDNAs. However, the chips cost about a thousand dollars each and the
reagents are expensive. Also, it is frequently necessary to run
duplicates. Therefore, the best strategy is to use the Affymetrix
chips to identify mRNAs of interest and make a cheaper cDNA chip for
genes of special interest.
Tulane University New Orleans, LA 70118 (504) 865-5000
New York Blood Center
(800) 933-2566
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Laboratory Services
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Analyses
CD 34+ cell enumeration:
CD 34 is a cell surface antigen found on hematopoietic stem and
progenitor cells. The number of CD 34+ cells in the stem cell
collection can be determined by flow cytometry. The number of CD 34+
cells is an indicator of the adequacy of the stem cell collection for
bone marrow transplantation.
Susanne Heck
Assistant Director
(Flow Cytometry)
Contact Information
Georgia Tech/Emory Center (GTEC) for the Engineering of Living
Emory University, Georgia Institute of Technology
Purpose: To develop tissue engineering technologies through an
integrated systems approach, harnessing discoveries from the
biological revolution to significantly improve clinical therapies.
Focus areas of research are in cardiovascular substitutes (tissue
engineered vascular substitutes, heart valves and myocardial patches),
metabolic secretory organs (bioartificial pancreas and liver),
orthopaedic tissue engineering (bone, cartilage, and fibrocartilage).
Associated projects in biomaterials development, cell sources and
cellular engineering, stem cells, cryopreservation of cells and
tissues, modulation of immune responses, bioreactor system
development, biomechanics of cells and tissues, flow dynamics in
cardiovascular tissues. The center seeks meaningful collaborations in
research with companies and other entities in the biomedical fields.
GTEC has an active industrial partners program for industry to closely
interact with faculty, students, and staff to attain their research
Dr. Robert M. Nerem
404-894-2291 (fax)
The Winship Cancer Center's Flow Cytometry Facility
Directed by Dr. Edmund Waller, provides cell sorting and analysis for
faculty and trainees. Flow cytometry equipment is also located in the
laboratory of Dr. John Altman in the Rollins Research Center as an
extension of this facility. The FACS Caliber is equipped with
argon-ion and diode lasers, with detectors for two scatter parameters
and four fluorescent channels; it is also equipped with an autoloader
for ease of processing large numbers of samples. Sorting will be
provided on a FACS Star that has been upgraded for acquisition of
three fluorescence parameters, and will be equipped with containment
facilities, appropriate for sorting of infectious materials. Both
instruments will be controlled by CeliQuest software (Becton
Dickinson), running on Macintosh Power PC computers.
Columbia University Medical Center
Room 938
1130 St. Nicholas Ave
New York, N.Y. 10032
tel: (212) 851-4574
The Flow Cytometry Facility provides technical and experimental design
assistance as well as expertise in data aquisition and analysis. Staff
train and educate users in flow cytometry and ways to optimize the use
of flow cytometry in their research projects. Investigators are thus
encouraged to contact staff for advice in experimental design, reagent
and sample preparation as well as for data analysis.
Facility Director:
Betty Diamond, M.D.
Room 924
1130 St. Nicholas Ave
New York, N.Y. 10032
tel: (212) 851-4576
e-mail: bd2137@columbia.edu
Managing Director:
Ms. Kristie Gordon
Room 938
1130 St. Nicholas Ave
New York, N.Y. 10032
tel: (212) 851-4574
e-mail: kmg2109@columbia.edu
Medical College of Wisconsin
Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research
8701 Watertown Plank Road, Milwaukee, WI 53226
Center for International Blood & Marrow Transplant Research
The Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research
(CIBMTR) is an organization of clinical and basic scientists in more
than 500 institutions in 47 countries who voluntarily submit data on
their consecutive allogeneic and syngeneic or autologous blood and
bone marrow transplant recipients to the Statistical Center at the
Medical College of Wisconsin.
The first successful allogeneic bone marrow transplants were performed
in humans in 1968. Since then, use of allogeneic or autologous
hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) has increased
dramatically. Along with this development came a coordinated,
international effort to collect and analyze data on transplant
outcomes through the CIBMTR.
The Flow Cytometry Core Facility houses state-of-the-art equipment to
provide an analytical tool that allows investigators to rapidly
analyze and sort large numbers of cells in a relatively short period
of time based on different cellular characteristics.
This includes detection of cells based on antigen expression,
measuring DNA content, detection of cell death (also known as
apoptosis), drug efflux studies, yeast cell-cycle measurements,
calcium flux measurements, sterile cell sorting, isolation of
gene-marked cells and many other applications.
The Flow Cytometry Facility is available to all faculty and staff of
the Medical College of Wisconsin. A user fee is charged. The lab is
open all day allowing users to come and go as they please. The
facility staff is available for training or assistance when needed.?
Contact: Jeffrey E. Woodliff, PhD, (414) 456-4939 or jwoodlif@mail.mcw.edu
University of Pennsylvania
203 and 297 John Morgan Building
3620 Hamilton Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Jonni S. Moore, PhD
215-898-6853 phone
?Background: Dr. Moore is currently the Director of University of
Pennsylavania Cancer Center Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Facility
as well as the Director of the Clinical Flow Cytometry Laboratory of
the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. She received her
undergraduate degree from the University of Virginia and her Ph.D. in
medical microbiology from Thomas Jefferson University. Dr. Moore
completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the Immunology Graduate Group
of the University of Pennsylvania under the direction of Dr. Peter
Nowell. She joined the Faculty of the University of Pennsylvania in
Norris Cotton Cancer Center
Location: Third Floor, Borwell West E-Mail: givan@dartmouth.edu Mail:
Campus: HB 7700 Website: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~celllab
University of Southern California/Chidren?s Hospital
USC/Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center
Flow Cytometry Core Facility
HMR 704
1441 Eastlake Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90089
Director: David Horwitz MD
Core Supervisor: Dixon Gray, Ph.D
Operator: Hal Soucier (also handles scheduling)
Phone: (323) 442-1954
Email: corefacs@ccnt.hsc.usc.edu
Childrens Hospital Los Angeles
4650 Sunset Blvd.
MS #62
Los Angeles, CA 90027
Phone: (323) 669-5690
Fax: (323) 906 8193
E-mail: gcrooks@chla.usc.edu
Joseph Stokes Jr., Research Institute
3615 Civic Center Blvd.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
To learn more about the Joseph Stokes Jr., Research Institute, send an
email to researchinfo@email.chop.edu or call us at 215-590-3800
The Flow Cytometry Core, located on the 12th floor of the Abramson
Pediatric Research Building, room 1207, provides access to flow
cytometry equipment and analysis software for trained personnel from
individual research labs on a fee-for-service basis. The core assists
users in the design of experimental protocols, which require various
flow cytometric methods. The laboratory is capable of both sample
preparation and analyses in support of individual research efforts and
offers specialized services such as training and mutiparametric cell
sorting. The laboratory?s current preparative and analytical
capabilities include four-color immunophenotyping with software
applications to support cell surface staining, intracellular staining
(etc. intracellular cytokines, cellular proliferation, DNA analysis
and apoptosis).
Brigham and Women?s Hospital
BWH 2006 ? 75 Francis Street Boston, MA 02115 617 732-5500
Flow Cytometry 732-5846
Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, Maryland
Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center
Charles Drake, M.D., Ph.D., director
James Flook
James Barber
Contact: 410-955-8029
The Flow Cytometry Shared Resource provides state-of-the-art cell
sorting and analysis capability to the members of the Cancer Center.
The analysis units are user operated, and have been strategically
placed throughout the Cancer Center to allow for optimal timely usage
by a variety of individual researchers. Overall, this Core provides
essential services for Cancer Center investigators from a diverse
array of disciplines who seek to more deeply understand the biology
and treatment of cancer.
Oregon Health & Science University
?The OSCC Flow Cytometry Core is located in Medical Research Building
(MRB) 604 on the Marquam Hill campus. The hours of operation are 9 am
to 5 pm, Monday through Friday. The core is open to all OHSU and
non-OHSU investigators, and is mostly supported by user fees. The lab
phone number is 503-494-2361. If you wish to schedule an appointment,
contact Allan Kachelmeier at the above phone number or
kachelme@ohsu.edu. You can contact the core director, Philip Streeter,
PhD, at 503-494-1762.?
Midwest Institute for Comparative Stem Cell Biology
?Dr. Melinda Wilkerson, Associate Professor and Director of Flow
Cytometry/Clinical Immunology Laboratory, Department of Diagnostic
Medicine/Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Kansas State
University. Related expertise: Flow cytometry and the separation of
stem cells into discrete populations.
Dr. Carol Wyatt, Associate Professor and Associate Director of Flow
Cytometry Facility, Department of Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology,
College of Veterinary Medicine, Kansas State University. Related
expertise: Flow cytometry and the separation of stem cells into
discrete populations.
As an on-going principle, scientists who are principle investigators
in externally funded grants coming to the institute will be designated
as fellows. Other collaborators with related research interests will
be designated associate fellows.?
University of California, San Diego
?The Leukemia and Lymphoma Unit provides clinical care and research
relating to leukemias, lymphomas and other hematologic cancers such as
myeloma, myelodysplasia and Hodgkin?s disease. Available diagnostic
tests for these conditions include chromosome and molecular analysis,
flow cytometry and expert hematologic pathology services. Patients are
treated using the best conventional approach as well as clinical
trials of the newest therapies.?
Rebecca and John Moores UCSD Cancer Center
3855 Health Sciences Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093
(866) 773-2703
Contact Information Page
Florida State University
For more information, contact:
Ruth Didier
Florida State University
College of Medicine
1115 W. Call Street
Flow Cytometry: Bldg. MSR
Room 3311A and B
Tallahassee, FL 32306
Office: 2300J
Office: (850) 645-1465
Lab: (850) 645-2920
More contact Information
Strong Health, Strong Memorial Hospital, University of Rochester
601 Elmwood Ave., Rochester, NY 14642
Strong Memorial Hospital Labs 24-Hour Information: (585) 275-8181
National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland
Flow Cytometry
LCCTP FACS Core Laboratory
Laboratory of Cellular Carcinogenesis and Tumor Promotion, CCR
Access: Open
Multiparameter flow cytometry, fluorescence-activated cell sorting,
laser scanning cytometry
The FACS Core Laboratory provides a state-of-the-art multiparameter
flow cytometry and cell sorting facility for NCI laboratories. The
facility performs sorting, provides expertise in implementing and
developing technologies for cell analysis, and provides training to
investigators in the use of the instrumentation and in the
interpretation of data analysis.
Contact: Barbara J. Taylor, BS
E-mail: taylorba@pop.nci.nih.gov
Tel: 301-594-6892
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
3333 Burnet Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45229-3039
513-636-4200 | 1-800-344-2462 | TTY: 513-636-4900
NYU Cancer Center
Director: Michael Dustin, Ph.D.
Phone: 212-263-3207
E-mail: dustin@saturn.med.nyu.edu
?The NYU Cancer Institute's Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Facility
operates three instruments: a DakoCytomation MoFlo, a Becton Dickinson
LSR system, and a Becton Dickinson FACScan. Since 1994, these have
been housed on the 3rd floor of the Skirball Institute. This
laboratory contains 1200 square feet of space.?
Nebraska Center for Virology
The NCV Flow Cytometry Core Facility provides flow cytometry services
to members of the Nebraska Center for Virology and investigators on
and off the UNL campus on a fee for service basis. The core provides
comprehensive data collection, data interpretation and education in
flow cytometry.
The NCV locations are:
E310 Beadle Center; phone: 472-4559
116A VBS; phone 472-3142
Please contact Daneille Shea to schedule services. The facility
director, Dr. Charles Kuszynski is available for experimental design
assistance. [ckuszyns@unmc.edu]
University of Tennessee
?Flow cytometry is available for the following procedures:
? Lymphocyte immuno- phenotyping, especially CD4 and CD8 determinations.
? Leukemia cell phenotyping to assist in the diagnosis and definition
of the leukemia cell types. ? Stem cell determinations (CD34) to
assist in assessing regenerative capacity of transplant cell
? DNA analysis of tumor specimens including proliferation rate.
Correlation has been performed between ploidy and proliferation rate
and clinical outcome in patients with breast cancer. Flow results may
also be used as an adjunctive technique in the interpretation of fine
needle aspirates, pleural and peritoneal fluids, and biopsy specimens.
Solid tumors can be submitted as either fresh, frozen (-70 degrees F)
or as paraffin embedded tissue.
To determine the best procedure for harvesting and transporting
specimens, call the laboratory during regular working hours at
865.544.9462 ?
The University of Tennessee Medical Center | 1924 Alcoa Highway
Knoxville, Tennessee 37920-6969 | Telephone: 1.865.544.9000
For appointment assistance only, call 1.877.UT.CARES (1.877.882.2737)
Children?s Hospital, Boston
? ?Expert hematopathologic evaluation of peripheral blood and bone
marrow specimens.
? All diagnostic samples are evaluated by flow cytometry, classical
cytogenetics, and when appropriate, molecular techniques such as FISH
and PCR.
? Modalities
o Chemotherapy
o Stem cell transplantation
o Radiation (exceptional cases)
o Surgery (for venous access)
300 Longwood Avenue Boston MA 02115 (617) 355-6000
Center for Human Cell Therapy established at CBR Institute
October 8, 2004
Contact: Hal Lacroix, CBRI Public Affairs
Phone: 617-278-3321
The CBR Institute for Biomedical Research in Boston, Mass., in
collaboration with Children's Hospital Boston, Massachusetts General
Hospital and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, has been awarded a
$12.65 million, 5-year grant from the National Institutes of Health to
establish a new Center for Human Cell Therapy.
Located primarily at the CBR Institute (CBRI), the Center will
facilitate the clinical development of new cellular therapies which
use cells from blood, bone marrow, and muscle and other cell clusters
to treat damaged and diseased tissues.
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Jimmy Fund 415
Dana Farber Cancer Institute
44 Binney St
Boston, MA 02115
Flow Cytometry
Flow Cytometry provides state-of-the-art cytometric capabilities for
the Institute's scientific staff. The facility currently consists of
six flow cytometers and associated computer systems, various cytometry
software packages, and a Nikon Diaphot 300 microscope outfitted with
an Oncor Image analysis system.
Location: Jimmy Fund 415
Contact E-mail: Peter_Schow@dfci.harvard.edu
Children?s Memorial Hospital, Chicago
2300 Children's Plaza | Chicago, Illinois 60614-3394 | 773.880.4000 |
1.800.KIDS DOC
Heading our programs in hematology, 0ncology and stem cell transplant
is Morris Kletzel, MD . As a professor at Northwestern University's
Feinberg School of Medicine and an expert in neuroblastoma and stem
cell transplantation, Dr. Kletzel and his pediatric-based research
efforts have helped make this program one of the strongest in the
United States today.
For questions about possible referrals, please contact the nurses and
other staff members at 1.800.KIDS DOC. (1.800.543.7362)
Northwestern University, Children?s Memorial Laboratory Facilities
In addition to CMRC, laboratory space exists in the Children?s
Memorial Research Building contiguous with the hospital and houses the
Stem Cell Transplant Clinical Research Laboratory. The clinical
laboratory includes facilities for bone marrow processing and purging,
cryopreservation, T-cell depletion, tissue culture, and flow
Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine
303 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611-3008
Phone: 312/503-8649 E-mail: med-webteam@northwestern.edu
University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute
5150 Centre Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15232
To schedule an appointment at UPMC Cancer Centers, contact the UPMC
Cancer Centers Information and Referral Service at 412-647-2811.
In addition, the majority of the faculty in the translational/clinical
and disease-site programs have their laboratories there. Core
resources housed within the Research Pavilion include the Animal
Facility, Immunologic Monitoring Laboratory (IML) and Cellular
Products Laboratory (CPL), the Flow Cytometry Facility, the
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Facility, and a Biosafety Level?3 laboratory
(BSL-3). A conference room is located on each floor of the Research
Pavilion to better facilitate further collaborations among
investigators. The HCC's William M. Cooper Pavilion, which is the
ambulatory care pavilion, is a 185,000-square-foot, five-story
facility housing comprehensive, integrated clinical services,
including those related to treatment, prevention and early detection,
nutrition, education, genetic counseling, behavioral medicine, pain
control and palliative care, and cancer rehabilitation. The top floor
of the Cooper Pavilion houses the offices of the UPCI Clinical
Research Services, thus providing very close proximity of the clinical
research coordinators and data managers to the outpatient treatment
This page lists the university?s facilities
Mt. Sinai School of Medicine
Department of Gene and Cell Medicine, Mount Sinai School of Medicine,
Box 1496, One Gustave L. Levy Place, New York, NY 10029
Tel: (212) 659-8288, Fax: (212) 849-2667, oneida.cintron@mssm.edu
University of California, Davis
Becton Dickinson Immunocytometry Systems Flow Cytometry Laboratory and
Training Facility
402 Mrak Hall
One Shields Ave
University of California
tel: (530) 752-6374
fax: (530) 754-7391
This facility houses a FACS Calibur flow cytometry system, used to
measure light scatter and fluorescence of single cells or particles.
It measures four fluors simultaneously, three from 488 nm excitation
and one from 633 nm excitation. The system also has a mechanical
sorter. The facility provides flow cytometry training for
undergraduates, graduate students, faculty members, and staff members
from throughout the campus.
Location: Life Sciences Addition, Room 1110
University of Kentucky
Jennifer Strange
Greg Bauman
Fax: (859)257-8994
Don Cohen (Director)
This facility provides state-of-the-art analysis and sorting of
single-cell populations for research. The facility offers a Cytomation
MoFlo cell sorter with three lasers and high-speed cell sorting
capability, and a Becton-Dickinson FacsCalibur cell analyzer and a
Miltenyi-Biotech autoMACS separator for magnetic cell sorting.
Researchers can schedule to have their samples analyzed/sorted for
membrane, cytoplasmic and nuclear antigen expression, light-scattering
properties, DNA content, cell cycles, and apoptosis, as well as
measure intracellular biochemical changes such as calcium flux and pH.
Researchers must schedule time at least 72 hours in advance.
University of Utah
Stem Cell Laboratory
University of Utah Hospital and Clinics
50 North Medical Drive, SOM AR159
Salt Lake City, Utah 84132
(801) 585-3370
University of Massachusetts Worcester Campus
Flow Cytometry Lab 55 Lake Avenue North Worcester, MA 01605
Questions or Comments? Email: Richard.Konz@umassmed.edu Phone: 508-856-1598
It also utilizes a high-power UV laser, which allows for
discrimination of stem cells stained with Hoechst 33342 via
enumeration of "side population" cells. Lasers can be added or
exchanged with greater ease than water-cooled lasers. The
configuration is 5 fluorescent detectors from the 488nm laser, 2
detectors from the UV laser and 4 detectors from the red laser.
If you would like to visit the DV1, please contact Richard Konz to
arrange an appointment. Please copy Randy Offord or your local
instrument sales representative to coordinate schedules.
University of Nebraska
Cell Analysis Facility
1056 Durham Research Center
985816 Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha Nebraska 68198-5816
Phone 402.559-6267 fax 402.559-4069
Contact Information
SUNY/Upstate Medical University
The Flow Cytometry facility recently expanded to include advanced
technology used to identify and characterize normal and malignant
cells. The technology also enables scientists to identify the presence
of rare cells (stem cells, residual cancer cells, cells infected by
viruses, etc.) present at frequencies of less than 1 in 10,000. The
technology acquired includes a Vantage SE Fluorescence Activated Cell
Sorter from Becton, Dickinson and Co. with digital computer control
and turbo sort speed, enabling cells to be analyzed and sorted at a
rate of 25,000 per second. In addition to the cell sorter an LSRII
cell analyzer was obtained which contains 3 lasers and multiple
The Institute for Cardiovascular Research (ICR) is dedicated to
developing new methods of diagnosing and treating diseases of the
heart and blood vessels, with the primary goal of preventing premature
cardiac death. Investigators conduct multidisciplinary research aimed
at understanding normal and abnormal intercellular communication and
electrical wave propagation in the cardiac muscle. The ICR also
fosters the education and training of medical, graduate and
postdoctoral students in the cardiovascular field, and encourages
interdepartmental cooperation among investigators engaged in research
related to the cardiovascular system.
Coriell Medical Institute
403 Haddon Ave
Email: webmaster@coriell.org This email address is being protected
from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it
Telephone: 856-966-7377
Fax: 856-964-0254
Indiana University
Edward F. Srour, Ph.D.
1044 West Walnut Street, R4 116; IUPUI
(317) 274-7587
(317) 274-0396 FAX
The Flow Cytometry Resource Facility provides essential flow
cytometric services as well as consultation and technical advice. The
facility is capable of performing virtually any flow cytometric assay,
from multiparameter immunofluorescence analysis and cell sorting to
DNA content and cell cycle analysis. The mission of this facility has
been to serve the varied research needs of researchers at the IU
Cancer Center.
Stem Cell
Rafat Abonour, M.D.
1044 West Walnut Street, R4 202; IUPUI
(317) 274-0843
(317) 278-2262 FAX
This core provides hematopoietic stem cells from various sources for
research in hematopoiesis, vascular repair, and neurodegenerative
Ohio State University
00 W. 10th Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43210
The Analytical Cytometry Laboratory (ACL) is a Shared Resource
facility and joint venture between the OSU Comprehensive Cancer Center
and the Heart & Lung Institute. This facility provides basic and
clinical investigators with modern flow cytometric hardware and
software for cell characterization and sorting. Flow cytometry is a
laser-based technique that is useful for measuring the number of cells
in a sample, the percentage of live cells in a sample, and certain
characteristics of cells, such as size, shape, and the presence of
tumor markers on the cell surface.
St. Jude?s Children?s Research Hospital
?Richard A. Ashmun, PhD, Director
The Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Shared Resource provides
investigators with access to state-of-the-art equipment and expertise
in all aspects of flow cytometry and cell sorting for the analysis and
separation of cell populations stained with fluorescent compounds. The
facility is available to all investigators on a first-come,
first-served basis.
The facility?s instrumentation includes nine BD Biosciences flow
cytometers, including five benchtop flow cytometer analyzers (three
4-color FACS Caliburs and two LSR IIs), and four high-speed cell
sorters (two 12-color FACS Vantage/DiVa sorters and two FACS Aria
sorters), and a Miltenyi Biotec AutoMACS magnetic cell separator.
Experienced personnel operate all of the instruments; investigators
may obtain access to run the flow cytometry analyzers on an individual
basis. Two experienced senior technologists are available to perform
sample preparation and staining when required, and we provide a wide
variety of monoclonal antibody reagents and fluorescent dyes for cell
Mailing Address:
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
332 N. Lauderdale
Memphis, TN 38105
Contact Information
Michigan State University
Dr. Louis King
419 Biochemistry
Methodist Hospital, Houston
1130 Earle St
Houston, TX 77030-5008
(713) 790-2461
Flow Cytometry Services
To make inquires, appointments or donations, please call (713) 790-3333.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
4000 Jones Bridge Road, Chevy Chase, MD 20815-6789 | (301) 215-8500
I?m unable to find flow cytometry itself, but I feel certain they have
the facilities!
Avice Meehan
Vice President for
and Public Affairs
(301) 215-8646
James E. Keeley, Jr.
Associate Director of
(301) 215-8858 keeleyj@hhmi.org
State University of New York, Stonybrook
The Clinical Flow Cytometry laboratory at Stony Brook has been in
existence since 1983. It is a full function laboratory which offers
the latest in diagnostic Flow cytometry featuring; Leukemia/Lymphoma
phenotyping, residual disease determinations, stem cell quantitation,
T cell subset analysis, DNA and ploidy analysis, Paroxysmal Nocturnal
Hemoglobulinuria diagnosis and characterization, Cell Adhesion
molecule analysis, Fetal hemoglobin determinations, and Granulocyte
Function testing.
Mr. Christopher Pullis Section Supervisor - Flow (631) 444-8078
To schedule via phone - Call Flow Cytometry Laboratory at 444-8078 to
schedule instrument time. Call Ms. Corrinne Leombruno at 444-8078 or
Dr. Golightly at 444-2240 to schedule initial consultative
George Washington University Medical Center
2300 Eye Street NW, Ross Hall 416
Flow Cytometry
Flow cytometry is a process in which physical and/or chemical
characteristics of single cells (or other particles) are measured as
they pass through a flow cytometer individually in a fluid stream in
front of a light source. Measured parameters include light scattering
and fluorescence. Multiple parameters can be measured simultaneously
and correlated to identify subsets of populations.
The acronym FACS stands for ?fluorescence-activated cell sorter?. A
cell (or flow) sorter is a flow cytometer that has the additional
capability of isolating cells (or particles) that satisfy certain
user-defined criteria. Cells sorted by flow cytometry are routinely
used for functional assays, gene expression studies, cloning of
gene-modified cells, or proteomic analyses.
Innovations in instrumentation, development of small lasers, discovery
of new fluorochromes/fluorescent proteins, and implementation of novel
methodologies have all contributed to the recent rapid expansion of
flow cytometric applications.
Center for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine
Debra Grega, Ph.D., Executive Director
Case Western Reserve University
10900 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44106-7284
216.368.3614 (p)
216.368.1166 (f)
Michael Gilkey, MBA MS, Business Development Associate, Webmaster
Case Western Reserve University
10900 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44106-7284
216.368.2079 (p)
216.368.1166 (f)
Princeton University
The Flow Cytometry Core Facility is located in the Department of Molecular Biology
Moffett Building, 1st floor, Rooms 115, 116 and 117
Princeton University Washington Road, Princeton, NJ 08544-1014 USA
Phone: 609-258-3658 Fax: 609-258-3980
Christina J. DeCoste, Manager
Tel: (609) 258 1695
Fax: (609) 258 5323
(609) 258 1695
University of Texas
2121 W. Holcombe Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77030
Phone (713) 500-2401 Fax (713) 500-2420
Six Research Centers are currently in operation at the Brown
Foundation Institute of Molecular Medicine, along with several core
facilities. Although senior investigators and their associates pursue
their individual research goals, there are thematic approaches the
different laboratories have in common.
Stem Cell Biology
Stem cells are unique in their ability to continually divide and have
the potential to turn into virtually any cell type in the body.
Already in our Developmental Biology Lab, we are exploring the
mechanisms behind stem cell self-renewal and differentiation, and with
a recent $25 million gift commitment for stem cell research, we will
create this new center, expand our current studies and work to develop
stem cell lines that could be used in transplantation medicine, to
regenerate tissues, and as vectors for gene therapy?with implications
for a wide range of chronic diseases.
Other Information:
A list of US flow cytometry centers (Not complete, and may duplicate
what I have posted)
This may also interest you: A list of US Cytometry Societies
California Institute of Regenerative Medicine/CIRM
I hope you find this information useful. If not, please request an
Answer Clarification, and allow me to respond, before you rate this
answer. I will be happy to assist you further, before you rate.
Regards, Crabcakes
Search Terms
Core laboratories + stem cells + flow cytometry
directory: flow cytometry + stem cells + facilities
flow cytometry + stem cells + medical centers
stem cell therapy + flow cytometry + hospitals
Flow cytometers + stem cell + institutions |