Thanks very much for acknowledging my work as your answer.
I'll repost it here for the sake of future readers, and to
formalize the answer.
Okay...if you go to the file associations under Folder Options,
there will be, under the XLS filetype Advanced menu, a list of
actions, one of which is 'open', and one of which is highlighted
as the default action - presumably 'open'. You might wish to take
a look at the script for the action 'open' and see what it looks
I think you can fix this by doing something I did awhile back.
If I'm understanding you correctly, you tried to repair the
association by right-clicking the foo.xls file, selecting
'open with' and then choosing Excel from the list of programs
with icons under the "Choose the program you want to use to
open foo.xls" dialog.
What I'd like you to try instead is to check the box that
says "Always use this program to open these files", and
then click the 'Other' button, and browse to the location
of your Excel executable file, which is probably:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\excel.exe
Select that and back out of all the dialogs, clicking OK,
and try clicking on foo.xls again. If I'm right, it will
now open in Excel, and the script for the action 'open',
under the XLS filetype under Folder Options -> Filetypes
will read:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\excel.exe %1
Since you found "Use DDE" still checked in the Advanced
dialog AFTER clicking the "Other" button and navigating to
the executable file, I now realize that when I applied the
solution, I had deleted the "Open" command from the menu,
prior to replacing it by navigating to the executable file.
Deleting the original "Open" command removes the "Use DDE"
and "DDE Message: [open("%1")]" from the script and simply
uses the command line script, and often resolves this issue.
My impression has always been that, if "Use DDE" is selected,
then the "DDE Message" adds the necessary "%1" to the script,
but for some reason this seems to stop working after some
time, in Excel, so it becomes necessary to use the command
line script to open files.
Doing what you did, and adding %1 to the end of the command
line, probably does the same thing as removing "Use DDE", and
negates DDE, taking it out of the process.
For a discussion of file open scripts, using both command line
and DDE, see this page from Microsoft:
Anyway, I'm glad the problem is resolved!
Best regards...
sublime1-ga |