1) What are the main features that affect a consumer?s online tutoring
provider choice, in order of importance.
2) Online tutoring industry worth: I have found reports suggesting the
total tutoring industry worth in general
(http://www.bizreport.com/news/9437/, both physical and online).
However, I need just the online sector, and past and future projected
growth rates thereof.
3) Market share owned by the big players in the online tutoring
industry just a few of the top players will do
· Sylvan-Online.net
· Gomath.com
· Smarthinking.com
· Tutor.com
· Atoztutoring.com
· Educomp.com
· Careerlauncher.com
· Anytimetutor.com
· Nerdbuddy.com
· SmarterKids.com
· Homeworknow.com
· Tieronetutors.com
· Mindsprinting.com
· Growingstars.com)
4) % of college students who utilize online tutoring service
providers; past and projected growth rates thereof
5) % of high school students who utilize online tutoring service
providers; past and projected growth rates thereof
6) Of the population of users of online tutoring: What is the average
# of hours per year each college student spends using online tutoring
service providers. Also, Average # of hours per year each high school
student spends using online tutoring service providers. If cannot
find the college student specific number, than the average number of
hours/year per person who uses online tutoring services will suffice.
7) % of post-secondary institutions who license/have adopted some form
of online tutoring service for the use of their students.. Past and
projected growth rates thereof. |