OK, I've had a look at the Hoffer/George/Valacich book, and here's
what I think is expected
I Project overview:
To provide the store's customers near real-time access to their
orders, order history, and billing history. Currently the stores have
to rely on paper forms and telephone calls to customer service
representatives at HELPYOURSELF head office
This project will develop an order control systrem linked to their
current inventory database and using their current desktop
infrastructure to give real time order information to shop floor staff
in stragegic locations in HELPYOURSELF stores.
Our schedule for completion of this project is approximately ten to
twelve weeks and the provisional start date is set for 01/01/2003
II System Description:
A. Alternatives: The alternative for this system is a web based
system. The customers would be given the address to a secure website
where they could track their orders. This approach was rejected by the
store itself on grounds of cost and worries over network security in
the absence of an appropriate firewall server.
B. System Description: The system that we choose is a desktop
application. The application will require some authentication from
the user for security. Then the user will be able to choose from 2 to
3 options such as current order, order history, or billing. Then the
application will connect to an ORDER database and retrieve the
selected information. The user will then be presented with their
information in a useable and easy-to-understand format.
Orders will result in updates to the Inventory database, and stock at
low values will result in a "decision needed" message being flagged
both to the Stock controllor and to the production manager.
The system will be written in Pascal, using the current application
development environment existing at the HELPYOURSELF headquarters.
The interface to the Inventory database requires some changes to the
exisiting Inventory application and this work will be undertaken by
SCOTTECHS, the original suppliers of the Inventory System. A
specification of the interface will be drawn up, and included in the
Statement of Work.
III. Feasibility Assessment:
Economic Analysis: This system will reduce HERLPYOURSELF's order
department by automating many of their tasks. It will also, in the
long term, create a new stream to market products directly to their
customers if they consider our proposals for a second phase of the
project to enable a web-based access for customers to the order
Technical Analysis: The overall risk rating on this project is very
low. Our staff is very prepared in this area, having successfully
completed a similar project for BOOZEMASTERS in the last six months.
Operational Analysis: The project will solve HEADHUNTERS business
problem ie it will providing customers with the information they need
and want when they want it. We will also take advantage of the direct
marketing to the customers with a second phase of this application.
There are no major operational implications for HEADHUNTERS, as the
new program suites and associated data will be controlled by their
existing staff who currently control the Inventory database (This was
agreed with Headhunters Management - see minutes of the Project
Induction Meeting)
Schedules, Timeline, and Resource Analysis: This project should take
ten to twelve weeks with a group of five. With a group of around six
this project would be finished in approximately eight weeks. The team
will require one team leader and three development staff, one of whom
must be proficient in ORACLE database administration for the set up of
the test environment. A draft PERT chart for the project is currently
being prepared and will be delivered alongside the Statement of Work
IV. Management Issues:
Team Management: Dave Brown will be the project leader. Jane White
will be the business analyst. John Green will be the system analyst,
Fiona Orange will be the main pascal coder and Dick Black will be the
ORACLE administrator and test developer.
Customer Management: Dorian Blue will act as customer liaison with
Headhunters and will manage all customer contact and budgeting issues.
Hope this is what you were looking for
BRINT research portal results of "Baseline Project Plan"
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