<Readership of business books.
This survey of executives found 14.4 percent read seven to ten
business books a year, 21.4 percent read four to six books, and 45.8
percent read one to three books. 74.9 percent of respondents said
they'd like to read more, but are limited because of time.
Source: Bersin & Associates Research Survey Shows Costs of Time
Searching for Information Can Exceed $50,000 Annually for Each
Managers buy four business books a year and read one. Source: American
Management Association.
Respondents to the Sales & Marketing Management survey read an average
of eight business books per year.
Source: Plan to Win: Understanding the link between Leading and Planning.
Serious readers (20 or more books a year) tend to be college grads
with income levels over $100,000. Source: Reading habits change in new
on-line revolution. Houston Business Journal. M. Ray Perryman. July
25, 1997.
The majority of chief executives, indicated that on the average they
read, examine, or browse through more than 4 books each year.
Source: Utilization of reading material by executives. By Raymond Boyer.
A survey by the organisers of World Book Day found accountants spend
an average of more than five hours per week reading books.
Source: Accountants are the real bookworms. BBC News.
A survey of business travellers found that 57% believe that staying
current with business books increases their professional value.
Source: Majority of business travelers seek more efficient means of
managing information overload. Net Library.
SmartPros, a leading provider of professional education products to
Fortune 500 companies surveyed its members about their reading habits.
For pleasure:
24% - 1-2 hours per week
21% - 3-4 hours per week
21% - 5-6 hours per week
26% - 7+ hours per week
7% - Are you kidding? Who has the time to read for pleasure?!
For business:
29% - 1-2 hours per week
30% - 3-4 hours per week
19% - 5-6 hours per week
23% - 7+ hours per week
Source: SmartPros.
This study looks at the reading habits of people by age, occupational
group, education. Professionals read more pages of work-related
materials, but also more leisure, than the other two groups.
Nonprofessionals, however, read more functional and general reading
materials. Students, of course, were reading textbooks and other
school-related materials. Generally then, reading behaviors reflected
the primary activities of the occupational groups. Source: Adults?
reading practices and activities: age, educational and ocuccupational
effects. M Cecil Smith and Norman A. Stahl.
This report looks at spending on books in Canada. One-third of the
highest spending households have incomes of $100,000 or more. 76% of
those earning $100,000 or more buy books. They spend an average of
$282 per household.
Source: Who buys books in Canada ? A statistical analysis based on
houshold spending data.
Michael Malone, founder of MJM Investigations Inc, read two to three
business books a week.
Source: Entrebizneur of the year: Michael Malone. MJM Investigations,
Inc. Laurie Zuckerman.
Entrepreneur David Koretz read up to seven business books a week.
Source: The Billionaire Next Door. Inc. Magazine. May 2001.,,CID22508_REG6,00.html+%22business+books+a+week%22&hl=nl&ct=clnk&cd=4>
<Search strategy:
<respondents "business books">
<respondents "executives read" books>
<"reading habits" survey business>
<"business books a week">
<"business books per">
<Hope this helps.> |