How to calculate the profit margin on items that are rented to customers?
Category: Business and Money > Accounting Asked by: crice-ga List Price: $25.00 |
17 Apr 2006 16:15 PDT
Expires: 17 May 2006 16:15 PDT Question ID: 719928 |
How do you calculate the profit margin and markup on items that are rented to a customer? For example... We rent items to people. Our cost on these items is $560.00. We rent these items to people for $185.00 per month. Some rent them for 1 month, some rent for 99 months. How can we calculate the margin and mark up on a per month basis? How can we determine a profit per month? |
There is no answer at this time. |
Re: How to calculate the profit margin on items that are rented to customers?
From: myoarin-ga on 17 Apr 2006 19:12 PDT |
Greetings, You need to look at accounting for rental and leasing income. There is no mark up on the equipment in your books, although you may use a marked up retail value as a basis for the calculation of the payments that you show your rental customers. On your books, you depreciate the equipment as best you choose - within the constraints of accounting principles. You show the rental or lease payments as income and any financing costs as expense. Very simplified. |
Re: How to calculate the profit margin on items that are rented to customers?
From: markvmd-ga on 18 Apr 2006 11:45 PDT |
Calculate the amount to be amortized. This is the cost of the item minus the present value of the after tax salvage value of the item AND less the present value of the depreciation tax shield. Then you can calculate the annual after-tax required income based on the desired rate of return to determine the fee to charge. Anyone with an MBA should be able to calculate this. PVIF and PVIFA tables are available online. |
Re: How to calculate the profit margin on items that are rented to customers?
From: jos2-ga on 27 Apr 2006 12:06 PDT |
Thanks for interesting question.what l think is the best way method u can use to calculate your profit is cash flow and profit method(DCF), because you can assum that your cost of capital is $560.00 and the investment cost $185.00(ie assum at the cost of renting item to people for $ 185.00) which is to be spread for 99 months(ie assum to be the depreciation charg for 99 month).from this information you can get your profit easy l think. |
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