I am answering your question with the assumption that "bean-fruit" is
a general term for dried beans. There are many varieties of beans in
the United States, where I live, and many more varieties in the world.
If you would like to know about a specific type of bean, please let
me know on Google Answers. I would need to know the word for that
specific bean in your language, and what that language is. You may
find this Google Directly helpful:
Beans are a good source of protein, because they contain significant
amounts of the amino acids that humans cannot make from sugars and
fats. The protein in beans is not as easily absorbed as that in meat
products. On a per-gram basis, the protein in beans is about 50% less
absorbable than that in chicken.
Unlike meat, beans contain ample amounts of dietary fiber. Fiber aids
in the digestive process by holding things together, and keeps one's
visits to the restroom regular. Diets high in fiber are also thought
to reduce the risk of cancer.
Furthermore, beans don't contain saturated fats, found only in meat
and animal products, and beans don't contain cholesterol. The
unsaturated fat in beans is considered "good" fat that doesn't raise
cholesterol levels, and may contribute to lowering them. Elevated
cholesterol levels, especially High-Density Lipoproteins (HDL), are a
risk factor for heart disease and stroke.
Another health benefit of eating beans is their high fiber content.
Like all plants, beans contain collagen fiber that cannot be digested
by humans. Fiber has an immediate health benefit, in keeping visits
to the restroom regular and promoting digestive health. High-fiber
diets are thought to reduce the risk of heart disease and some types
of cancer.
Beans also contain ample calories, which are required in moderation
for human health and to prevent starvation.
Micronutrients vary greatly between the different varieties of beans.
Below is a link to a web site which lists the "Nutrition Facts"
reported by the United States Department of Agriculture for many types
of beans. Generally, beans can be a good source of iron, thiamine,
riboflavin, pantothenic acid, folic acid, inositol, magnesium,
phosphorous, potassium, selenium, and zinc. These nutrients are
required for healthy human physiology. Some, like iron and folic
acid, are particularly important for women planning pregnancy.
Many of the health benefits I mentioned are supported by the United
States Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Beans also have benefits for the soil in which they grow. Bacteria
which the bean plant grows in its roots take nitrogen in the air and
transform it into amino acids and proteins. After the bean plant
dies, this "fixed" nitrogen is left in the soil and is available for
the next crop of plants. This is a health benefit of beans to the
A final health benefit of beans that I enjoy is their taste!
Certainly, foods that taste good reduce one's stress and make one
If I have not answered your question to your satisfaction, I hope that
you will post a comment and allow me to more fully research your
question. I have largely relied on my personal knowledge, and also a
Google search for "beans nutrition" and "USDA Nutrition Facts" for
this answer.
--neurogeek |