I am assuming that you're referring to the glasses seen here:
According to this article, the sunglasses were antiques:
"At the height of Face/Off, one way to tell identity-swapping John
Travolta and Nicolas Cage apart is by their frames. Travolta first
wears a pair of conservative Miraris, 'but when he became bad,' says
property master Don Milloyevich, '[Travolta] said, No, it should be
something different for this other character.' So the eeevil Travolta
wears a pair of slicker $208 Armanis. Cage, meanwhile, switches from
antique octagonals ('Nick wanted blood red frames,' he says) to
Ray-Ban Aviators. Milloyevich thinks their choices reveal something
about each actor's working style: 'John decides what he wants while
rehearsing, and Nick plans it.' Only in Hollywood are sunglasses the
mirrors of an actor's soul."
http://www.ew.com/ew/article/commentary/0,6115,288502_7%7C14847%7C%7C0_0_,00.html |