I have a question regarding Six Sigma.
To give you a breif background, Six Sigma is a Business Analysis
approach that defines methodologies used by companies to optimize
efficiency within their business processes and manufacturing
processes. At many organizations, this simply means a measure of
quality that strives for near perfection. Six Sigma is a disciplined,
data-driven approach and methodology for eliminating defects (driving
towards six standard deviations between the mean and the nearest
specification limit) in any process -- from manufacturing to
transactional and from product to service. More info about Six Sigma
can be found at: http://www.isixsigma.com/sixsigma/six_sigma.asp
My question is specifically related to Six Sigma certification. Since
I'm relatively new to the Six Sigma world, I'd like to know the best
way to go about obtaining my Six Sigma certification, starting with
becoming a green belt and then moving toward the black belt. From the
brief research I've had time to do, I've noticed that there's no
official globally recognized standard for Six Sigma certification.
Many training companies have developed their own training courses and
are offering their own certifications upon completing these courses.
I'd like to make sure that when I do get my certification, it is from
a well-recognized source (the closest thing available today to a
globally recognized source). There must be one or two particular
educational institutes that most companies prefer to send their
employees to for Six Sigma training. I'd like to know who these
training institutes are, and whether or not I'll be able to take their
courses from the Toronto area (Ontario, Canada), or even from home if
the option is there. If I do choose to study from home, are online
training courses generally considered equivalent to in-class courses?
The purpose of all of this is so when I'm done my training, and I add
my new certification to my resume, it will get noticed because it was
from a respectable and recognized source. |