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Q: Weight Loss ( No Answer,   5 Comments )
Subject: Weight Loss
Category: Miscellaneous
Asked by: fufu2u-ga
List Price: $10.00
Posted: 19 Apr 2006 09:59 PDT
Expires: 26 Apr 2006 13:17 PDT
Question ID: 720631
I am a 53 yr old female.  I quit smoking 3 yrs ago and am experiencing
menopause.  I have gained 52 lbs.  The weight won't budge.  Help!
What's my best/quickest way to get it off & keep it off?
There is no answer at this time.

Subject: Re: Weight Loss
From: redfoxjumps-ga on 19 Apr 2006 11:19 PDT
First stop by the Doctors office and get a clean bill of health.

Then write down a week or two of what you are eating and drinking  and
exercising now.  So you have a baseline.

The blood type diet  "Eat Right 4 your type" worked for me for about
40 pounds loss.

But am still looking for the solution to the last 10 or 20.  God luck.
Subject: Re: Weight Loss
From: fufu2u-ga on 20 Apr 2006 04:29 PDT
I just ordered that book so that's encouraging.  If you're looking to
get rid of those last stubborn pounds I stumbled across a 3 day diet
used by the Birmingham Alabama Hospital in their Cardiac Unit for
patients who need to lose weight fast before having heart surgery. 
The site is  Good luck
to you, too!
Subject: Re: Weight Loss
From: irlandes-ga on 20 Apr 2006 18:10 PDT
The Atkins Diet worked for me, even though I am very hypoglycemic and
only lost a pound a week. Normal is much more.  Try to get the 1992
printing, available at used book stores everywhere, including
Salvation Army Thrift shops.

HOwever, though I have said that, I do not recommend it, since it is
complex and requires a lot of work and discipline.  If you are weak in
those, skip it.

Also need to take:

4 multivitamins a day
4 Vitamin C 500 mg, no chewables a day
4 Calcium 600D
A slug of Metamucil or Wal-mart Equate, for fiber.

This is because you don't get the stuff from vitamins.  If you don't
take this stuff, you can mess yourself up.

Still, if you do follow it, hard as it is, it does work.  And, for
most, without hunger, since you are supposed to eat when you are
hungry. It is not a starvation diet.

Subject: Re: Weight Loss
From: stanmartin1952-ga on 21 Apr 2006 23:08 PDT
Jogging is fun and really gets your metabolism going.
Subject: Re: Weight Loss
From: mspixie-ga on 26 Apr 2006 05:26 PDT
Before undertaking any weight loss plan you must get an opinion from
your M.D. The best way to lose weight is to eat a calorie controlled
diet.After 40 your metabolic rate slows and it is difficult to lose
weight.The worst thing to do is go long periods without eating.You
defeat the purpose because your empty stomach signals the brain,the
brain says "I'm starving" and immediately as a survival process,
lowers your metabolic rate to burn less calories.1500 calorie would be
a safe amount of calories per day.You should begin some type of
exercise regieme.Start out slowly.Usually 3 times a week is
sufficient.Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables,whole grains(which
are filling)Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.Fad diets don't
work.Usually you end up binging and feeling worse about yourself.

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