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Q: Which countries issue driver's licenses to non-residents? ( No Answer,   4 Comments )
Subject: Which countries issue driver's licenses to non-residents?
Category: Miscellaneous
Asked by: albibak-ga
List Price: $100.00
Posted: 19 Apr 2006 16:10 PDT
Expires: 19 May 2006 16:10 PDT
Question ID: 720754
Which countries issue legal driver's licenses to someone who does not
currently have a driver's license of any country (and is willing to
take a driving test), without requiring the person to whom the license
will be issued to be a resident of that country?
Please provide a list of such countries.

Clarification of Question by albibak-ga on 20 Apr 2006 14:09 PDT
Thank you for the information.  To clarify, I'm looking for countries
that don't require residence in any particular country (such as
another EU country in the instance you mentioned).
There is no answer at this time.

Subject: Re: Which countries issue driver's licenses to non-residents?
From: myoarin-ga on 19 Apr 2006 18:48 PDT
This information may not help you, since it is EU specific, but Poland
and the Czech Republic presently issue licenses to residents of other
EU countries who have "lost" theirs.  There may be some
pseudo-residence requirement, but since, as of now, the European Union
has regulated that licenses from any member state are valid throughout
the EU, the licenses are valid, even in the country where the citizen
lost his license.  Of course, there are moves to stop this.
Subject: Re: Which countries issue driver's licenses to non-residents?
From: hedgie-ga on 24 Apr 2006 19:42 PDT
My oarin,
           where did you hear that getting CS driving licence is easy?
           What about providing some sources?

Here are few unattributed but authentic complaints of foreigners residing in
czech republic"

"I have found a couple of these driving schools but they all want me
to spend dozens of hours driving around with them and then ACTUALLY
take the state exam"

"the FINE for not having a czech drivers licence is 300kc
cost of getting one with drivers ed lessons - min. 6000kc"

You can take in czech, or pay extra fro translator

Subject: Re: Which countries issue driver's licenses to non-residents?
From: myoarin-ga on 25 Apr 2006 03:03 PDT
Hi Hedgie,
I didn't say that it was easy, just possible, but for Germans who have
lost their license perhaps easier than passing the psychological test
which is often required.  There are residence requirements in Poland
that can be fulfilled with an address, but if the German authorities
can prove that one was not there during the period, they will still
take away one's new license  - I am told.

Anyway, for the Albibak-ga, this is all immaterial.  

Albibak, in case you don't know, US states and most countries require
one to get a local license within a certain period of residence, thus
in most places a foreign license will be of limited validity.
Subject: Re: Which countries issue driver's licenses to non-residents?
From: hedgie-ga on 25 Apr 2006 09:28 PDT
Hi Myoarin

   I am amazed to hear that they have psycho test in .de --
-- after seeing the way Germans drive:

"When driving on the German Autobahn, one realizes that auto racing is
not confined to famous race tracks.."

I still wonder where you got that info about .cz

This oficial says you cannot even take a course without residence permit:

"Sou?asn? platná právní úprava s ú?inností od 17. ledna leto?ního roku
neumo??uje cizinc?m získat na území ?eské republiky ?idi?ské
oprávn?ní. Bez ?idi?ského oprávn?ní p?itom není mo?né získat ?idi?ský
pr?kaz. ?Vloni jsme vydali ?idi?ské pr?kazy asi 20 cizinc?m, v?t?in? z
nich ke konci roku ? z?ejm? v?d?li o p?ipravované zm?n?,? uvedla
Jind?i?ka Musilová z evidence ?idi?ských pr?kaz? na M?stském ú?adu v

Výcvik v ?eské auto?kole v?ak cizinci absolvovat mohou, ov?em pouze
pod tou podmínkou, ?e u nás mají povolení k p?echodnému ?i
dlouhodobému pobytu.

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