Hi nronronronro:
After considerable searching, I was able to find the following
supporting information for you. I chose the following four documents
because I thought that they (in conjunction with the one you already
have) will enable you to create a convincing brochure. There are many
useful figures and tables included in these document.
Please let me know whether they fit your needs. If they do not, please
let me know what about them is not right and I will try again for you.
1. An Empirical Test of Risk-Adjusted Performance Utilising Call
Option Writing and Put Option Buying Hedge-Strategies
Authors: Michael Adam and Raimond Maurer, University of Mannheim
URL: http://www.actuaries.org/members/en/AFIR/colloquia/Tokyo/Adam_Maurer.pdf
Quote: "The objective of this paper was to study the
risk-return-profile of several popular option-based hedge-strategies
of stock portfolios on the basis of a historical simulation. To
quantify the risk, we used shortfall risk measures in addition to the
standard deviation as the traditional risk measure. We demonstrated
that the put hedge as well as the covered short call strategies
enabled a risk-reduction compared to the unprotected stock investment.
But in general, the risk-reduction was won at lower returns."
2. Boosting Returns with Call Options
Author: Guy Bower, guybower.com
URL: http://www.guybower.com/download/Boosting%20returns%20with%20call%20options.pdf
Quote: "Covered call writing can be a useful tool for boosting the
returns on your portfolio as long as your approach remains
conservative. Selecting your strike and timing of the trade takes some
consideration. Just remember, the slow and steady approach will win
out in the long run."
3. Reducing Volatility: A Covered Call Solution
Author: Blueprint
URL: http://www.888options.com/store/bp_summmer_2000.pdf
Quote: "A broadly diversified portfolio should be considered. In any
market, a particular sector may advance or decline rapidly. Using a
broadly diversified covered call portfolio makes returns and
volatility reduction more predictable."
4. Valuation of Options: Theory
Authors: Richard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field, M.I.T.
URL: http://msl1.mit.edu/mib/dsp/curricula.mit.edu/~dsplan/Docs/Sessions/S69/s69.pdf
Details: Some interesting, and perhaps useful diagrams about call
Thanks. Please ask for clarification, if necessary.
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