Hello again Ma37,
According to the report ?Nail Color and Care - US - January 2004?,
published by Mintel International Group Ltd, some major companies in
the nail care industry are:
Del Laboratories Inc.
Revlon Inc.
L'Oreal Group
Kiss Products
W. E. Bassett Co.
Pacific World Corp.
Markwins International
Del Laboratories, Inc.
2004 Sales (mil.) $396.7
1-Year Sales Growth 2.8%
2004 Net Income (mil.) $15.6
1-Year Net Income Growth (23.5%)
Revlon Inc.
2005 Sales (mil.) $1,332.3
1-Year Sales Growth 2.7%
2005 Net Income (mil.) ($83.7)
2005 Employees 6,800
1-Year Employee Growth 7.9%
L'Oreal G
2004 Sales (mil.) $19,824.2
1-Year Sales Growth 12.6%
2004 Net Income (mil.) $4,945.5
1-Year Net Income Growth 164.2%
2004 Employees 52,081
1-Year Employee Growth 3.1%
Kiss Nail Products
?Kiss Nail Products, Inc. of Port Washington, New York, is a
manufacturer of nail care products employing 300 people. It has been
insured with Ex-Im Bank since 2001. It has shipped to the United
Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Japan, the Netherlands, Austria,
Sweden, France, South Africa, Spain, Mexico, Russia, New Zealand,
Finland, Poland and Latvia. Under its Ex-Im Bank policy, reported
sales volume for this exporter has grown from $4.2 million for 2002 to
$7.96 million for 2003 and volume has been growing steadily.?
W.E. Basset Co., known for its Trim brand of implements and other
personal care items.
Total Sales: $21 - $50 million
Pacific World Corp. of Lake Forest has acquired one of its most
significant competitors, Entrecap Corp. and Unit Four, maker of the
Fing'rs artificial nail and nail-care products.
Pacific World makes nail products under the Nailene name. It also
makes artificial nails and artificial eyelashes under license from
The Orange County Register: February 2005
Pacific World Corp.
Company Type: Private
Fee based profile available here.
Markwins International Corporation
Sales ($mil): $200
Company Type: Private
In millions
2004 475.3 127.0 75.8 678.2
2005 * 464.3 128.3 74.7 667.4
2006 * 457.8 129.7 73.8 661.4
2007 * 456.0 130.5 71.6 658.1
2008 * 456.0 130.6 69.0 655.7
Source: Euromonitor International--The Market for
Cosmetics & Toiletries in the USA, 2004
* Projected
DSN Retailing Today, Jan 24, 2005
Nail treatments are growing
?Sales of nail polish may be dull and chipped, but nail treatments, on
the other hand, continue to see growth as more women indulge in
at-home spa treatments.?
?In fact, by 2008 retail sales of nail treatments are expected to hit
$130.6 million, marking growth of 4.3 percent from the $125.3 million
in 2003, according to Euromonitor International's 2004 Market for
Cosmetics and Toiletries in the USA report.?
?Industry observers have attributed the growth in nail treatments to a
lack of product innovation in the nail polish arena, a growing
interest in natural-looking nails and more familiarity with nail
treatments among consumers.?
Del Laboratories
?Del Laboratories' Sally Hansen is gearing up for 2005 with several
new products slated to launch this month. For stronger nails and
cuticles, the company will launch at food, drug and mass its new
Diamond Strength Cuticle + Nail Oil Advanced Cuticle Care.?
Markwins International
?Markwins International, which repositioned the Jonel brand after
acquiring it from AM Cosmetics over a year ago, is looking to hit the
market full force in 2005.In the spring, the company will add a new
cuticle therapy, called Revitalize It! Cooling Nail & Cuticle Therapy,
to its Salon Collection nail treatment line, which currently includes
a base coat, top coat, cuticle oil and nail strengthener.?
DSN Retailing Today, Jan 24, 2005
?Given the rise in gas and home heating prices, some salon-goers may
opt for a less expensive, at-home option.
According to syndicated ACNielsen data (plus Wal-Mart panel estimates)
provided through Pacific World, sates of artificial nails rose 4.5
percent to $149.7 million at food, drug and mass for the 52 weeks
ended Dec. 31.?
?Looking to tighten its grip on the artificial nail segment in 2006 is
Pacific World. Janine Coppola, marketing manager for Pacific World s
Nailene brand, said that consumers are mimicking the look they would
get from a salon and are going for a much softer, natural-looking
nail, even within artificial.?
?Artificial toenails--whether jazzed up or natural--continue to grow
in popularity and are driving much of the growth within the artificial
nail segment.?
?...according to syndicated ACNielsen data (plus Wal-Mart panel
estimates) provided through Pacific World, sales of artificial
toenails were $8.7 million at food, drug and mass for the 52 weeks
ended Dec. 31. In the year-ago period, sales were $2.3 million.?
Drug Store News, Feb 13, 2006
Growth in artificial nails category
?Driven in part by innovation and consumers' desire for at-home
manicures and pedicures, the artificial nail category is experiencing
growth and manufacturers are taking notice.?
?According to Information Resources Inc., the nail-polish segment
slipped 2.1 percent to $151.3 million in drug for the 52 weeks ended
Sept. 4.?
?...the artificial nail category, which rose 0.8 percent to $57.5
million at drug for the same period.?
Artificial toenails
?Pacific World Corp. is seeing success with artificial toenails, which
launched more than a year ago. The segment is accounting for roughly 7
percent of category sales.?
?Nail implements/accessories may have slipped 2.4 percent to $85.5
million for the most recent 52 weeks, according to IRI, but
manufacturers continue to see great growth potential whether it is due
to more consumers watching their dollars amid times of economic
uncertainty and skyrocketing oil prices or because they simply prefer
the comforts of their own home versus a salon.?
Growth in the Pedicure Segment
?The area of significant growth is around the pedicure segment," said
Art Malen, executive vice president of marketing and sales for
Tweezerman International. "It has taken off as pedicures have become
more of a year-round phenomenon versus seasonal."
?...seeing great potential within pedicure products, Del Laboratories
Sally Hansen brand in January will launch a new line called Just
Drug Store News, Oct 10, 2005
Market Trends: Nail Care Products
November 1, 2005
Read the abstract here:
?The Sally Hansen brand, which, according to ACNielsen data Del
provided, remains the No. 1 brand in the mass market nail care
segment, with a 27 percent market share. ?
?While Del's cosmetics business--which includes the Sally Hansen,
LaCross, N.Y.C. New York Color and Miss Kiss brands--continues to be
its shining star, with sales of $240.5 million for the nine months
ended in September.?
Drug Store News, March 7, 2005
Foot care/athlete's foot medications
Trade class Dollar sales
TOTAL MASS MARKET ([dagger]) $279,616,500
DRUG STORES $170,332,400
SUPERMARKETS $74,556,900
Best-sellers in drug stores
Dollar sales
Lamisil AT $25,092,410
Lotrimin AF $16,998,390
Tinactin $13,123,140
Dr. Scholl's $7,052,919
Lotrimin Ultra $6,359,085
Reclaim AF $4,810,159
Miracle of Aloe $4,712,027
Flexitol $4,327,184
Gold Bond $4,217,738
Desenex $4,073,178
Source: Chain Drug Review; 1/2/2006
Read the complete article with a free trial at Highbeam Research
The nail care industry is highly cyclical.
?IRI data shows that performance across the six nail care segments was
extremely mixed, with the polish accessories segment taking the
biggest hit (a 17% decline in drug stores) and the nail treatments
sector showing the greatest gain (a 9.8% jump in drug stores).?
Chain Drug Review, March 27, 2006.
Read the complete article with a free trial at Highbeam Research
Pedicure products now in vogue
?Market forecasters say that one of the drivers behind growth in the
nail care category this year is pedicure products.?
?Consequently, many suppliers are turning their attention in that
direction, debuting items for use on the feet. In addition to a host
of nail polishes to color toes, new products designed for use on the
feet include a variety of artificial nail tips, nail art and a range
of implements for keeping feet healthy and nails well trimmed. Del
Laboratories Inc., for instance, has rolled out a 15-product line that
emphasizes the feet and toenails.?
?The company has introduced products ranging from smudge-proof nail
color that dries in 60 seconds to a host of implements, including
three different toenail clippers, a corn and callus trimmer, a pumice
stone, and an ingrown toenail file and cuticle pusher.?
?Suppliers of artificial nail care products have turned their
attention to the pedicure market as well.?
?Pacific World Corp., for example, offers a pedicure line under each
of its three brands--Nailene, Fing'rs and Revlon.?
Chain Drug Review: March 27, 2006
Read the complete article with a free trial at Highbeam Research
Search terms used:
nail care treatment sales million
foot care market OR industry growth OR trends
major companies sales
I hope the information provided is helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |
Clarification of Answer by
20 Apr 2006 14:24 PDT
Cuticle data appears to be scarce; however I found the following
information for you. I hope it's useful for your business plan.
According to Mintel Group International, the overall foot care
market--including treatment, appearance and spa-type products will
grow by 19% through 2008.
?Lines of demarcation between skin care and other categories are no
longer as distinct as they once were. A notable example of this
evolution is the overlap taking place between skin care and foot care,
a development that has been aided by the popularity of the spa trend
and the increased amount of attention paid to the skin care needs of
Foot care now part of the whole
MMR Oct 3, 2005
Highbeam Research
Natural foot care products
?According to the Natural Marketing Institute, sales of personal care
products experienced the second-biggest percentage of growth (14%) in
2004, following foods and beverages. Substantiating the trend, market
research publisher Packaged Facts projects the natural personal care
market will climb to $7.9 billion by 2009, driven by widespread
consumer concern about toxic ingredients; not only in foods, but in
deodorants, skin care and other personal care items.?
C. J. Buck, CEO of Xenna Corporation, which distributes natural foot
care products, says, "Consumers are looking for advice,
recommendations, and natural choices." For those seeking natural foot
care products, NonyX Nail Gel for yellow, discolored nails is a
logical choice. It softens and exfoliates keratin debris - the
discolored, yellow or thick granular buildup under nails which is the
actual source of embarrassing toenail or fingernail discoloration,
using natural ethanoic acid."
?According to the September 5, 2005 issue of Mass Merchandising
Retailer, NonyX Gel is one of "a growing number of topical products
that have come to market promising to address the problem of yellow,
discolored nails." MMR also reports that "Xenna Corp., which has
carved out a niche for itself in the foot care category with the
success of its NonyX Nail Gel?. has now developed a product that is
called CalleX Ointment."
C. J. Buck goes on to say, "Consumers are no longer resistant to
purchasing high-price personal care products in supermarkets, and
stronger HB&C margins counterbalance ever-thinner grocery margins. All
of these trends explain why CalleX and NonyX are the right products at
the right time for foot care."
Press Release: November 18, 2005
"It continues to be a fast-growing foot care brand and is meeting the
needs of both men and women who want clear, healthy-looking nails,"
comments Buck.
?NonyX has done extremely well at Rite Aid Corp. and Walgreen Co.,
says Buck, citing ACNielsen data ranking it as the No. 3 nail care
product in dollars per point of distribution on a 52-week basis.?
"Safe ways to treat tough conditions.(Foot Care products market
analysis)." Chain Drug Review Oct 10, 2005
Highbeam Research: read the full text of this article with a free trial.
Form 10-K
For fiscal year ended December 31, 2005
Net sales for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 were as
follows in the Foot Care Category
Year Millions of dollars
2005 333
2004 331
2003 292
?Foot care products continue to produce steady sales for chain drug
retailers, many believe that the category is underachieving.?
?According to Information Resources Inc. (IRI), sales of foot care
products rose 1.8% across the three mass channels for the 12 months
ended September 4, and 2.7% in drug stores.?
Chain Drug Review:Oct 10, 2005
'Chains need to pick products that work to grow sales'.(foot care
market share analysis).
The skin care market continues to prosper and suppliers are
segmenting the category by targeting more products to specific parts
of the body.
?Once simply broken down into items for the face and those for every
other part of the body, the trend in recent years has been to market
products with much narrower uses.?
?Del Laboratories Inc., for example, recently introduced a line of
hand treatments under its Sally Hansen brand. The four-item line
includes an antiwrinkle extrafirming hand cream, a hand skin
brightening cream, a product called Miracle Cure to heal dry skin and
repair damaged skin and a hand resurfacer with microcrystals. "Many
products address aging skin," a Del spokeswoman says, "but very few
have been created for the special needs of hands. The four products in
the line, she notes, use marine collagen, vitamins, ceramides and
peptides to provide total hand care and younger-looking skin.?
?The trend is also being followed by products at the higher end of the
category. Portland, Ore.-based eb5 Corp., for example, has extended
its Spa Essential line of skin care products to include a chili foot
repair, a foot mask and an intensive hand treatment.?
Chain Drug Review
March 27, 2006
?Galderma Laboratories has announced the introduction of Cetaphil[R]
Therapeutic Hand Cream, the newest product to join their line of
cleansers and moisturizers.
The hand cream is the first moisturizing product to join the Cetaphil
line to address the effects environmental elements can have on hand
care. Hands that are constantly exposed are more prone to becoming
dry, chapped, and rough?
Dermatology Nursing; December 1, 2004;
Highbeam Research
?After several years of flat or declining sales hand and body lotions
engineered a startling turnaround in chain drug stores through the
first seven months of 2005. Drug store sales of hand and body lotions
were up 3.8% to $366.7 million for the 52 weeks through August 7,
2005, according to Information Resources Inc. (IRI).?
Intros, marketing put back the pizzazz.(personal care products
contributes much to drugstore sales)
Chain Drug Review Sept 26, 2005
Highbeam Research
Intros tap into a market in motion.(skin care products industry)
Chain Drug Review Sept 26, 2005
?The biggest hand and body lotion sales gains in the drug channel for
the 52 weeks ended August 7, 2005, were posted by St. Ives Swiss
Formula (Alberto-Culver Co.), up 16.6%; Jergens Ultra Healing (Kao
Brands), up 15%; Eucerin (Beiersdorf Inc.), up 8.1%; and Cetaphil
(Galderma Laboratories LP), up 6.6%, according to Information
Resources Inc. (IRI). Jergens Natural Glow and Procter & Gamble Co.'s
(P&G's) Olay Body Quench have not been on the market long enough to
generate year-over-year comparison data?.
Hand and Body Lotions
Drug stores: $366.7 mil. (+3.8%)
Market Unit sales
Leading brands Manufacturer share (000)
Aveeno Johnson & Johnson 5.7% $20,855
Vaseline Intensive Care Unilever HPC 5.0% 18,322
Cetaphil Galderma Laboratories 4.4% 15,963
Eucerin Beiersdorf 4.3% 15,895
See the rest of the ranking at Highbeam Research
Nail treatments show slight increase in drug stores
Drug Store News June 1998
The information in this article is excellent however very outdated.
I searched for over an hour trying to find a similar more current
report without any luck.