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Q: Hydrogen Technology in Saudi Arabia ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   0 Comments )
Subject: Hydrogen Technology in Saudi Arabia
Category: Science > Technology
Asked by: rosseenn11-ga
List Price: $100.00
Posted: 20 Apr 2006 11:34 PDT
Expires: 20 May 2006 11:34 PDT
Question ID: 721033
Hi google,

I need a detailed examination about the hydrogen technology in Saudi
Arabia? Do they produce any? What's their exsiting production
capacity? Do they use it to produce power? etc. These sorts of
questions that I am looking for in your answer.

Clarification of Question by rosseenn11-ga on 21 Apr 2006 10:23 PDT
Hi again,

This is my first question in here and am planning to launch a series
of questions straight after this.. come on where are the researchers?

b.t.w. I am not expecting an original work.. links to links that
answer my question would suffice.

Ask me for any claification should you have any. cheers
Subject: Re: Hydrogen Technology in Saudi Arabia
Answered By: pafalafa-ga on 22 Apr 2006 17:05 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars

There is certainly evidence of an ample interest in alternative fuels
in Saudi Arabia, including the generation and use of hydrogen as an
alternative to fossil fuels.

Some of the main policies, projects, actors and venues for this
interest are detailed below.

However, I couldn't help noting that much of the information dates
back to the 1990's or earlier.  It remains an open question as to how
much current hydrogen energy work or production is taking place in the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The sources are listed below.  

If there's anything more you need, though, just let me know by posting
a Request for Clarification, and I'm at your service.

All the best,


New Investments in the Hydrogen Economy

...Finally, it is worth noting that various oilproducing nations have
expressed interest in developing hydrogen energy technologies

...One of the earliest came from none other than Saudi Arabia?s former
oil minister, Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani, more than a quarter century
ago. In an interview with this writer in the December 1975 issue of
the French magazine L?Expansion, Yamani said his country was
interested in investigating other energy technologies, including
hydrogen and renewables, as a backstop for the day when oil would run

...In the 1990s Saudi Arabia in cooperation with Germany operated
HYSOLAR, an experimental solar-powered water electrolysis plant near
Riyadh. This was shared on the Saudi side by King Abdulaziz City for
Science and Technology in Riyadh plus three other Saudi universities,
and by the German Aerospace Research Establishment (DLR) headquartered
in Stuttgart where a similar, smaller facility was maintained for
teaching and research. Both countries spent an average of about $4.7
million each year on the project, split 50-50.

From the Saudi Energy Minister:
The Role of the National Oil Companies in a Changing World Economic
and Energy Relations
HE Ali Al-Naimi 
Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Saudi Arabia

September 2004

...environmental and energy security concerns have been channeling
technologies and research towards alternate fuels especially fuel
cells. Although technologies to develop hydrogen for fuel cells have
been under development for years and still face many technological,
infrastructure and cost barriers, the research and investment in those
technologies pose long-term challenges to the oil industry in general
and to the NOCs including our own.

...The challenge for Saudi Aramco here is how to mobilize its own and
cross-industry resources to promote the use of oil and gas. Carbon
sequestration and capture technologies as well as technologies that
ensure a role of these fuels in the hydrogen generation are emphasized
in the R&D programs of the company and in its collaborative research
with the industry, universities and research institutions.
The Country of Energy 

...The Muslim country of Saudi Arabia is the most energy rich country
in the world from many perspectives. They are the world's fifth
largest petroleum producer, have the world?s largest solar energy
collecting facility in the world, and can claim the largest center of
spiritual energy during the hajj time in Mecca

...The King Abdul Aziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) is
responsible for the administration and supervision of all research
projects in various scientific areas

...the Kingdom has many ongoing projects in solar energy towards this
goal. They include:

HYSOLAR: A joint program with Germany that produces hydrogen from the sun.

The KACST center mentioned above is a leader in the country for energy
research.  I took a look at their website and found the following:

...The energy research institute includes the following departments
and research units:

 Renewable Energy Department: 

This department includes the following units:


B. Photovoltaic

C.Wind Energy

D. Solar Radiation

E. Hydrogen Energy

Hydrogen Energy Unit: 

Hydrogen production using solar energy and utilization are the main
subjects for research and development. The unit developed a hydrogen
production facility, which includes an electrolyser, photovoltaic
panels, hydrogen storage system, sensors and other components. The
hydrogen fuel, however, is considered as an energy carrier and clean
energy source.

Brinner. A.., and Al-Saedi, Y., ?Results and Experiences of a Two -
Years Experimental and Routine Solar Operation Phase at the HYSOLAR
350 kW Solar Hydrogen Production Plant?, Accepted for HYDROGEN 96 -
11th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, 23 -28 June 1996, Stuttgart,

Abdulhadi., Al-Garni, M., ?The Development of a Fuel Cell Stack
Electronic Simulator for Enhanced Safety and Reliability during Test &
Training?, International Journal Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 21. No. 8, pp.
695-701, 1996.

Abaoud, H., H. Steeb., ?The German - Saudi Hysolar Program?, 11th
World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, 1996

Ghouse, M., Al-Boeiz, A., Abaoud, H., and Al-Garni, M., ?Preparation
and Evaluation of PTFE - Bonded Porous Gas Diffusion Carbon Electrodes
used in Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell Applications?, International Journal
Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 20, No. 9,  pp. 727-736, 1995

Al -Saedi, Y., ?Solar Hydrogen Production Plant Using Pressurized Zero
- Gap Alkaline Electrolysis?, Presented at the 16th Congress of the
World Energy Council in Tokyo, Japan, October 8-13, 1995, pp. 173 -

Steeb, H., Seeger, W., and  Abaoud, H., ?Hysolar: An Overview on the
German - Saudi Arabian Programme on Solar Hydrogen?, International
Journal Hydrogen Energy. Vol. No. 19 No. 8.  pp. 683 - 686, 1994.

Meier, F., J. Kohler., W. Stolz., W. H. Bloss., and Al-Garni, M.,
?Cycle - Resolved Hydrogen Flame Speed Measurements with High Speed
Schlieren Technique in A Hydrogen Direct Injection SI Engine?,
Represented at the SAE International Fuels and Lubricants Meeting
Baltimore, U.S.A, 1994

Al-Garni, M., Al-Boeiz, A., and M. Ghouse, ?Status of Solar Hydrogen
Utilization R&D Activities in Saudi Arabia?, Proceedings of the 10th
World Hydrogen Energy Conference Cocoa Beach, Florida, U.S.A. 20-24
June, 1994

Abaoud. H., Al Saedi, Y., Binner, A., ?Installation and Startup
Results of The Hysolar 350 kW Solar Hydrogen Production Plant at Solar
Village near Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?, Proceedings of the 10th
World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Vol. 1, p. 269,  Cocoa Beach,
Florida, U.S.A., 1994.

Steeb, H., and Abaoud, H., ? Hysolar program Achievements?,The first
International Conference on New Energy Systems and Conversions,
Yokohama, Japan, June 27-30, 1993

Grasse, W., Oster, F., and Abaoud, H., ?Hysolar: The German - Saudi
Arabian Program on Solar Hydrogen -5 years of Experience?,
International Journal Hydrogen Energy. Vol. 17.  No. 1. pp. 1-7, 1992

Workshop on Nano technologies and Applications
To be held at the King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST)
January 29-31, 2006

Application of nanostructred materials and systems to energy
   --Hydrogen storage

Application of nanostructured materials and systems to the environment
  --Hydrogen production from water via electrolysis
  --Hydrogen production from fuels: Catalytic fuel processing
[there are some photos here of hydrogen-energy projects, including these, below]

The 350 kW Solar Hydrogen Production.

Solar Hydrogen Utilization: Combustion, Engines, Lighting, Cooking and  Cooling.

Other institutions with expertise/experience in hydrogen power:

Mohammed Ghiyath Soufi, Terushige Fujii, Katsumi Sugimoto, and Hitoshi Asano.
New Rankine Cycle for Hydrogen-fired Power Generation Plants

Mohammed Ghiyath Soufi, Terushige Fujii, Katsumi Sugimoto, and Hitoshi Asano.
A Study of Renewable Energy Hydrogen-fired Power Generation Plants
King Abdulaziz University
Thermal Engineering & Desalination Department

Thermodynamic analysis of integrated energy systems. Alternative
energy sources: conventional (fossil fuels and its application to
steam, gas turbine and Diesel Plants)  non-conventional: solar direct:
Photo-voltaic, thermal: indirect: Wind, geothermal, Oceanic, Bio-mass;
Hydrogen, Wood, Waste Bio-gas.

King Abdulaziz University
Dr. Anas Amin Madani
...Coordinator of KAAU team, Hydrogen production utilizing solar
energy, Saudi-German cooperation program 1986-1987
Department of Chemical & Material Engineering
King Abdulaziz University
Coordinator of Hydrogen Production by the Solar Energy (Hysolar
Project), in the K.A.A.U. from Oct. 1992 - Oct. 1993

This statement from the Saudi Embassy may be of interest:
Saudia Arabian Embassy -- London

...In keeping with its long-standing objective of exploring major
renewable sources of energy, Saudi Arabia has undertaken extensive
research on solar energy.

...Other programs focus on utilizing solar energy for water
desalination, agriculture, and the generation of hydrogen.

I trust this information provides a thorough overview of hydrogen
energy work in Saudi Arabia.  But as I said earlier, if there's
anything else I can do for you, just let me know.


search strategy -- Google searches on:

hydrogen power saudi arabia

hydrogen power site:sa


Request for Answer Clarification by rosseenn11-ga on 25 Apr 2006 03:55 PDT
Hi google,
I am looking for papers that address this subject rather than links to
courses in saudi universities. I cannot open all links that start with
( more than 50% of the links you provided--
it says page is not found!

I would like to know more about the hydrogen stations in saudi, if
there is any, how many are they? their capacities? what about their
plans to acquire hydrogen fuel cells, etc.

I understand that sources on this particular country maybe limited so
I will accept any papers on any of the oil-rich gulf countries. Thank
you again.

Clarification of Answer by pafalafa-ga on 25 Apr 2006 08:00 PDT
Thanks for getting back to me, and I hope the links below will be
better targeted to your needs.

As I mentioned above, there does not appear to very much in the way of
current, large-scale projects in Saudi Arabia regarding hydrogen as a
source of power.  There are some older technical papers, however,
along with more recent articles on research along these lines.  I have
listed these below.

Let me know if there's anything else you need on this...


Hydrogen as an Energy Source

[This paper reviews hydrogen power projects around the world, and
concludes that there is very little activity outside of the major
industrialized countries.  The report notes that:  " developing
countries, only Saudi Arabia, Argentina and Turkey have international
projects...".  The reference to work in Saudi Arabia is to the (rather
dated, at this point) Hy-Solar project that I mentioned in my earlier
Renewable Energy Potentials in Saudi Arabia

[This paper lists the actual projects in Saudi Arabia...again, most of
them are fairly dated ]

--350 kW PV hydrogen production plant (1.6 MWh)

--1 kW solar hydrogen generator

--2 kW solar hydrogen

--Fuel cell development-Hydrogen utilization

--Internal combustion engine-Hydrogen utilization
Role of Solar Energy Research in Transferring of Technology to Saudi Arabia
Energy Sources 
Volume 21, Number 10 / December 1, 1999
Photovoltaic powered villages in Saudi Arabia
Sayigh, A.A.M.   
Energy for Isolated Communities
18 May 1988
Solar hydrogen: A sustainable energy solution for the EU
M. Asif, T. Muneer & J. Kubie
[the title notwithstanding, the paper discusses the potential of
hydrogen production in several countries in and around Saudi Arabia]
Energy considerations in HHE power systems
University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Heliotechnique and development; Proceedings of the International
Conference, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, November 2-6, 1975

"...A Helioelectrolytic scheme is examined which is similar to a
Heliohydroelectric system. A hole is dug into the earth and water is
allowed to fall into it. At the bottom the water is collected and
electrolyzed to hydrogen and oxygen...",2,20;journal,9,82;linkingpublicationresults,1:102442,1
Energy Sources 
Volume 27, Number 8 / June 2005 
Clean Production of Hydrogen via Laser-Induced Methane Conversion
Zain H. Yamani
Department of Physics King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals,
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

"...A novel technique based on the multi-photon dissociation of
methane for hydrogen production has been developed..."
Proceedings International Hydrogen Energy Congress and Exhibition IHEC 2005
Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 July 2005
Safe Handling of Hydrogen Fuel
Tahir Ayar and Ahmet Z. Sahin
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia's experience in solar energy applications
Huraib, Fahad S. 
King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Space commercialization: Satellite technology; Symposium on Space
Commercialization: Roles of Developing Countries, Nashville, TN, Mar.
5-10, 1989
The German-Saudi HYSOLAR program 
Abaoud H.; Steeb H.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 23, Number 6, June
1998, pp. 445-449(5)
Comparative study between the hysolar project and a hypothetical
international project in Brazil for hydrogen production and
exportation (BHP) from photovoltaic energy and secondary
hydroelectricity combined supply
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 23, Number 9,
September 1998, pp. 735-739(5)
HYSOLAR. The German. Saudi Arabian program on solar hydrogen. 5 Years
of experience
Grasse, W; Oster, F; Aba-Oud, H 
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. Vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 1-7. 1992
Experiences with the safe operation of a 2 k Wh solar hydrogen plant
T Miyazaki, S Yamaoka, MA Daous, MD Bashir, MMA El ? - International
Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 1994
Hydrogen as a Storage Medium for Renewable Energy

Again, let me know if there's anything more I can do for you.


Request for Answer Clarification by rosseenn11-ga on 25 Apr 2006 13:47 PDT
Thank you again. My next question is about transferring such
technologies to countries like saudi arabia. I will post it now and I
hope you can help me in dis one pafalafa.

One last thing, what's up with these links?

Clarification of Answer by pafalafa-ga on 25 Apr 2006 14:16 PDT
Thanks so much!  I'm glad the new set of links were what you needed,
and I'll be sure to keep an eye out for your new question.

As for the link, their site doesn't work for me either, at
the moment, and I assume it's down for some maintenance or due to some

Try them again in a day or so.  If you can't get their materials after
a reasonable time, let me know, and I'll see if I can find alternative
links to the materials.

Thanks, again...

rosseenn11-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars

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