Dear slemley,
The best data available is the 2003 American Housing Survey for the
Chicago Metropolitan Area, issued by the U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development, the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S.
Census Bureau.
According to the Survey, the total number of housing units in the
Chicago Metropolitan Area is 3,198,900.
For the Survey, 'housing unit' is defined as "...a house, apartment,
group of rooms, or single room, occupied or indended for occupancy as
seperate living quarters", which corresponds with the data you are
looking for.
Of the 3,198,900 housing units, 1,622,500 ARE equipped with a
dishwasher. This equals a share of 50.72%.
In reverse this means that 1,576,400 or 49.78% of all housing units
are NOT equipped with a dishwasher.
On national level, there is a total number of 120,777,000 housing
units. Of these, 69,658,000 or 57.67% ARE equipped with a dishwasher,
while 51,119,000 or 42.33% are NOT.
I hope that this answers your question!
U.S. Census Bureau: American Housing Survey for the Chicago
Metropolitan Area 2003 (PDF file)
U.S. Census Bureau: American Housing Survey - Metropolitan Data
U.S. Census Bureau: 2003 American Housing Survey - Selected Equipment and Plumbing |