Hello again casey46-ga,
California requires that anyone ?engaged in the business of garment
manufacturing must register with the Labor Commissioner. The
California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement maintains a
database of these registered Garment Manufacturers and Contractors and
makes it available for downloading in either Excel or tab-delimited
text format. This registry currently has over 5000 names listed. Each
listing includes the name and address of the company and its status as
a manufacturer or contractor. Since these are all California companies
they are domestic manufacturers by definition.
I?ve also included a few additional resources regarding the California
garment industry to help you continue your investigations. I trust
that the registry information will meet your needs.
All the best.
~ czh ~
Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE)
Who must obtain a garment registration certificate?
Every person engaged in the business of garment manufacturing must
register with the Labor Commissioner. California Code of Regulations,
Title 8, Section 13630.
Garment manufacturers and contractors registration database
Welcome to the DLSE garment manufacturers and contractors registration
database. This database contains the following information:
Registration Number; Name; Description (e.g. manufacturer, contractor,
subcontractor, jobber, cutter, etc.); Address (Main address only, not
branch offices); City, State Zip Code; Expiration date; date
information was last updated.
The information in this database is also available in a Microsoft
Excel-compatible file and a tab-delimited text file (900K).
Garment Contractors Association of Southern California
Results 1 - 10 out of 227 total results for Clothing Manufacturers in
San Francisco, CA
Results 1 - 10 out of 5192 total results for Clothing Manufacturers in
Los Angeles, CA
Sweating slave labor
As state agents conduct sweeping raids, San Francisco is poised to
pass the country's strongest anti-sweatshop law
San Francisco Bay Guardian
August 10, 2005
In the early 1990s, San Francisco's garment industry employed about
20,000 people, he said. Now that number has shrunk to 2,000 -- a 90
percent decrease.
california clothing OR garment factories OR manufacturers |