<Online travel reservations.
In 2005, 35% of transportation reservations were made on line up 25% on 2004.
24% of accommodation reservations were made online. Up 9% from 2004.
Source: TravelCom 2006.
The online travel market will grow to 27% of the overall travel market
in 2004, from 7% of the market in 2000 and 15% in 2002. The $200
billion U.S. rravel incustry expects $49.55 billion of online bookings
in 2004, increasing to $79 billion in 2005. Metrix. The European
online travel market will be worth more than 20 billion Euro by 2006.
Source: eMarketer/Jupiter Media
Online travel market
2000 ? 7%
2001 ? 10%
2002 ? 15%
2003 ? 17%
2004 ? 27%
Source : PhoCusWright
Online leisure/unmanaged business.
2000 $13.4 billion
2001 $17.2 billion
2002 $24.8 billion
2003 $31.9 billion
2004 $37.8 billion
2005 $46.2 billion
Source: eMarketer/Jupiter Media Metrix. 2002.
Online booking revenue 2003 to 2009 and percentage of total U.S. travel revenue.
2003 - $46 billion ? 20%
2004 - $54 billion ? 23%
2005 - $62 billion ? 26%
2006 - $70 billion ? 30%
2007 - $77 billion ? 30%
2008 - $84 billion ? 31%
2009 - $91 billion ? 33%
Source: Jupiter Research.
One third of travellers purchase international travel online. Source: PhoCusWright.
In Europe online bookings grew by 51% to reach Euro 19.2 billion in
2004. Online penetration was 9% in 2004 and is expected to reach 20%
in 2006.
Source: PhoCusWright.
In 1999, European booked 27.623 million international and domestic
trips were initiated on the internet, 5.738 million were booked and
paid for online. 3.82 million overseas trips were booked and paid for
Source: Internet European Travel Monitor. July 19, 2000.
<Search strategy :>
<"booked online">
<"online bookings" "travel market" 2006>
<"domestic trips" "online bookings" 2006>
<"online travel market" 2005>
<Hope this helps.> |