Hello thebelgian-ga,
The link provided by owejessen-ga should help you obtain the article
you?re looking for. The EconPapers site has 12 resources by Professor
Seyhun and 5 of them have ?insider trading? in the title. Using the
information you provide for each article, you should be able to decide
which is the right one. The information includes: Title, Authors,
Publication, Date, Abstract, Citations in EconPapers, Download
Instruction, Related Works Search, Ordering Information and Access
Statistics. Once you?ve identified the right article, you can download
and purchase it or you can search further to see if you can locate it
for free somewhere else.
Best wishes for your research.
~ czh ~
12 documents matching Seyhun among working papers and articles and
books & chapters and software and authors
5 documents matching insider trading AND seyhun in Authors among
working papers and articles and books & chapters and software and
1) Why Does Aggregate Insider Trading Predict Future Stock Returns?
Created/Revised: 1992
2) The Effectiveness of the Insider-Trading Sanctions
Created/Revised: 1992
3) Corporate Bankruptcy and Insider Trading
Created/Revised: 1997
4) The Information Content of Aggregate Insider Trading
Created/Revised: 1988
5) The January Effect and Aggregate Insider Trading
Created/Revised: 1988 |